
以下に、日誌原典(複写)、解析英文と解説を展開します。航海日誌は同様の記載事項が多いため、省略が用いられることが多い。そのような省略は初出の時に赤字で補足してあります。最も多い例では、W = weather  MB = Moderate Breeze  DW =ditto weather 天候は 同上、 など。

July 09 1808 from Madras towards ChinaJuly9

AM Light Breezes and fine W(eather)  Caulkers employed, Sail Makers making a Topgallant Studding sail. Received 16 1/2 Inch Cable, & _ _ of Boatswains Stores, Span & Coals for the Carpenters _
274LB Fresh Beef  & 30 Tons of Water*
PM Moderate Breezes and fine clear W
Employed cleaning and repairing after the Caulkers
Winds SW to Noon SE SEbyE
at Midnight, Fresh Winds and fine W

午前 軽風(南西) 晴れ 水漏れ修理工(コーキン工)作業、製帆手はトップゲラン(トゲラン)の補助帆(スタンスル)縫製作業に従事。16.5インチの索を受領、ボースンの倉庫に搬入、スパンと石炭は大工の倉庫に収納。274ポンドの精牛肉と30トンの水を搬入。午後 和風 快晴 コーキン工の作業後清掃と補修実施。零時 疾風(南東) 晴天

Fort St. George, Chennai ② 313px-Coromandel_Coast_1753

s george planmadras

1808年7月9日、この日の日誌は1ページの1/3だけの簡潔な記述である。英軍艦フェートンはインドのマドラスで出航準備に忙しい。コーキン工は水漏れ修理工と言ってよい職務で、マイハダ(oakum)を船体の隙間に詰めてピッチ(タール)を流し込む。当時の帆船にとって、いつも厄介なのが水漏れだった。長い航海を控えて、入念な作業だったに違いない。 製帆手は前部マスト上部のTopgallantトゲラン帆の補助帆を作り、船大工が忙しく立ち働き、索が荷揚げされて掌帆長の倉庫に収納される索の直径は40センチ強。こんな太い索は何に使うのだろうか。SPAN(海事用語では、ロープを結び合わせるための索かチェーン、とある)と、石炭は船大工の倉庫に収納される。石炭はもっぱら司厨長が使うものと想像されるが、それでも船大工の倉庫に収納ということは、司厨長は食料の保管が主責任だからだろう、と推定される。約125KGの生牛肉に水30トンの補給を実施。ヒンドゥー教が支配的なインドでは、牛は神聖な動物であるから食用になることはない。筆者の2000年代中間の経験では、ニューデリーの高級ホテルの朝食バイキングで供された牛肉はバッファロー(水牛)であった。この牛肉も水牛であったろうか。それとも大英帝国統治下では、英人や英兵用に食用牛の飼育を行っていたのだろうか。

午後、晴、風はボーフォート風力階級(用語集参照)によればModerate Breeze(和風) は5.5~7.9m/秒。心地良いそよ風よりは強く、紙が風に舞う風。既にモンスーン(西風)の季節だ。この風を利用して、フェートン号はインド洋を渡るのだ。マドラス港とは言え、岸壁や埠頭があるわけではない。図版①と③でもわかるように、ビーチから離れた海面がThe Road of Madrasとして泊地となっており、ここへ小舟で積載品を運ぶのである。図版①の海岸にそびえる城郭はセントジョージ要塞だが、図版下部には”Fort S.George on the Coromandel Belonging to the East India Company of England” とある。海軍とGarrison(守備隊)の要塞であっても、東インド会社の資産である、ということが英国のインド攻略の歴史と、国家より先に商業利権とそれを守るための海軍の自然発生的な生い立ちを物語っている。

July10, Sail out from Madras towards China


Left At Single Anchor in Madras Road. Moored in Madras Road (South wind)
AM Light Winds & fine clear W
course moved in Madras At Single Anchor
at 4 DW __ ship, hove into 1/2 a Cable the Small B__
at 8 Moderate Breeze and fine W . __ Topgallant & Royal Yards, & made the Signal for all persons to repair prepare? report? on board
Received 274 LB of Fresh Beef & 20 Butts of Water which compiled to 113 Tons; 9 Butts still empty in the Main
Sail Makers making a Main Topgallant Studding Sail
at Noon, Moderate Breezes off the Land.
At Single Anchor in Madras Roads (Winds East)

PM Light Breeze from the sea
at 4 Winds Moderate & favorable
at 5.30 Weighed & Sailed in Company with His Majesty Brig Baracouta 
at 6.30 Marines Flag Staff S62W. Extremes of the land from S32W to N5W off shore 4 or 5 miles
at 8 Moderate Breezes and cloudy W. Barracouta in Company 
at 11 Set Topmast Staysail
at Midnight Moderate Breezes & cloudy W. Barracouta in Company

マドラス泊地片舷錨で移動、南風に停泊 午前0時 軽風(南東) 快晴 4時 同上(風と天候) 主錨の錨綱を1/2巻き上げ 8時 和風 トゲランとロイヤルマストの帆桁の作業? (南風)総員に修理?乗船?信号 274ポンドの精牛肉と20樽の水を受領、水は総計113トン、主貯水庫の9樽が空 製帆手メインマストのトップゲランの補助帆(トゲランスタンスル)の製帆作業 12時 (風 西南西) 陸よりの和風 午後 (マドラス泊地に片舷錨で停泊) 海よりの軽風 (南東の風) 午後4時 和風にして爽やか 午後5時30分 英軍艦バラクーダ号(ブリッグ=2本マスト)と同航出航 午後6時30分(風 南南東)Marines Flag Staff(地名?)南62度西(に見ゆ?)陸端を南632度西から北5度西に望見 海岸まで4ないし5海里 午後8時 和風 曇空 バラクーダ同航 午後11時 トップマスト補助帆(スタンスル)展張 零時 (南風) 和風 曇空 

7月10日の日誌も2/3ページである。夜の間に南風に合わせて泊地を移動、夜が明けると帆桁の作業を行い、出航の信号は乗員に示され、僚艦Baracoutaとともに出航している。His Majesty Brigとは「国王陛下」のBrigという意味で、英国軍艦の正式呼称はHMS(His Majesty’s Ship)が頭につく。Baracoutaの名前がついた英艦は6隻あるが、3代目のBaracoutaは1807年に進水なので、この当時はまだ新鋭艦とも言える。クルーザー級のBrig (2本マスト)艦である。1815年に売却されているということだが、詳細は分からない。ただ、1812年(この前年からイギリスはジャワを占領していた)、ジャワ島西岸の都市バンタムの海岸で50人の海賊に襲われた9人乗りの偵察ボートが勇敢な中尉の指揮で撃退したというエピソードがあるのみである。午後5時30分にこのBaracoutaとともに出航、夜中まで同航している。この二日間ともに風天候は穏やかであった。ところで8時の信号とは、満艦飾のことだろうか?これから長い航海を控えてフェートン号の出航は十分認識満艦飾の価値があったはずである。満艦飾であれば、港中の船から礼砲があったりしながらかも知れないが、この日の日誌にはフェートン号からの返礼の礼砲の記述はない。


July 11 Monday from Madras towards China July11
AM Moderate Breezes and cloudy W
at 1/2 past 1 Squally; InTopgallant & Staysails
a1/t 2 past 2 Moderate Wind set ditto
at 4 Mod Breezes and fine W: Barracouta inCompany
at 20 pst 4 Strong Breezes; In Topgallant sails
at 1/2 past 5 Up courses?: hove too & sent a boat on board the Barracouta,
at 1/2 past Boat returned, hoisted her up: filled & set Topgallant sails: In 2nd reefs of the Topsails & sent the Royal Yards down
at 40 past 7 Barracouta parted Company.
Sail Makers making a Main Topgallant Studding sail
Unbent the Cables
at Noon Fresh Breezes & fine W Water Remaining 111 1/2 Tons
Course S64E 97 Miles 12.20N 12.16N 82.1E 81.40E 81.59E Mean81.48E
Bearings at Noon N Point Nicobar S16E 702 Miles

PM Moderate Breezes and fine W
at 2 out 2nd reefs & __ Royal Yards
at 4 Mod & fine W
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
at 8 Light Winds & fine W
at 9 set Royals
at Midnight DW

午前0時 和風(5.5~7.9m/s) 曇り
1時30分 スコール トゲラン帆とステイスル帆を縮帆
2時30分 和風 同上(縮帆継続か?)
4時 和風 晴天 バラクータ同航
4時20分 雄風(10.8~13.8m/s) トゲラン縮帆
5時20分 船首を風上に向けて停船 バラクータ号にボートを送り乗船  
30分後 ボート戻り艦上に引き揚げる トゲラン帆を展帆し満帆 トップスル帆を2次縮帆しロイヤルヤード(一番上の帆桁)を下ろす
7時40分 バラクータ号と別れる
正午 疾風(8.0~10.7m/s) 晴天 飲料水残量111.5トン 針路南64度東97度 97海里 北緯12度20分 北緯12度16分 東経82度1分 東経81度40分 東経81度59分 中間 東経81度48分 正午の針路 ニコバル諸島北端 南16度東 702海里

午後 和風(5.5~7.9m/s) 晴天
午後2時 2次縮帆を展張し、ロイヤルヤードを?
4時 和風 晴天
5時30分 コーターデッキに集合
8時 軽風(1.6~3.3m/s) 晴天
9時 ロイヤル帆(最上部の帆)複数畳む
午前0時 同上



July 12 Madras towards ChinaJuly 12 1808
AM Moderate Breezes and cloudy W. at 12 .15 In Royals Flying Jib & Staysails
at 3.55 Fresh Breezes: In Topgallant sails
at 4 Fresh Breezes and cloudy, with Lightning in the S.W.
at 20 past 4 lowered the Topsails in a squall. In 2nd reefs sent Royal Yards down & stretch the Masts: at 5 Hoisted the Topsails & set Topgallant sails.
at 7 Set Fore Topmast Studdingsails
at 8 DW
at 9.30 Set the lower Studdingsail & _mall sails.
Sail Makers employed making Hammocks & Caulkers caulking __ the Butts: Cleared the Main Sail Room; & __ Main & Mizen Topsails
at Noon Moderate & Cloudy
Water Remaining 110 Tons
Course S56E 142 Miles 11.1N 10.57N 83.58
Current N55W6 Bearing at Noon N Point Nicobar S80E 564 Miles

PM Moderate Breezes & fine W
at 2.30 Out 2nd Reefs: Swayed the Royal Mast up; __the Yards & set the sails:
at 2. 40 set Topgallant Studding sails
at DW
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
at 8 Mod & fine W
at 9.30 In Royals & Studding sails
at Midnight Light winds & cloudy W

7月12日 マドラスから中国へ 午前0時 和風 曇り 0時15分 フライングジブ(最前部の縦帆)ステースルを畳む 3時55分 疾風 トゲラン帆を畳む 4時 疾風 曇り 南西に雷光を望見 4時20分 スコールとなりトップスル畳む ロイヤルヤード(上部の帆桁)をおろし2次縮帆を実施 マストを伸長 5時 トップスル帆を引き揚げトゲラン帆を展張 7時 前方マスト上部のスタンスルを展張 8時 同上(天候か?) 9時30分 下側のスタンスルとメン(メイン)スルを展張 製帆手ハンモック製作に従事 caulking(水漏れ防止に樽を締める)工は樽にとりかかる メンスル室を空け、メインマストと後部マストのトップスル(上から3つめの一番大きな帆)? 正午 和風 曇り 飲料水残量 110トン 針路南56度東 142海里 北緯11度1分 北緯10度57分 東経83度58分 海流北55度西6度 正午位置 北ニコバル諸島 南80東 564海里(4/30)

午後 和風 晴天 2時30分 2次縮帆を展張 ロイヤルマストを上部に伸ばす ヤード(帆桁)?帆を展張 2時40分 トゲラン帆のスタンスル(補助帆)を展張  ?時 同上 5時30分 コーターデッキに呼集(幹部?) 8時 和風 晴天 9時30分 ロイヤル帆とスタンスル帆(補助帆)を畳む 午前0時 軽風 曇り



July 13 from Madras towards ChinaJuly 13 1808
AM Light winds & cloudy weather
at 4 DW
at 5.40 Set the Royals & Flying Jib
Sail Makers employed as before
Exercised Small Arms. Unbent the Mizen Royal to repair.
__ the Fires? Cut off 9 fathoms of the Best B_ Cable at being much? __ & unfit to _ the Ship.
Repaired the rounding on _ Cables.
at Noon, Strong Breezes with a swell from the SSE
Water Remaining 108 1/2 Tons
Course S55E 110 Miles 9.38 N 9.58 N 85.33E 84.57E Current S47W 27 Miles?
Bearings at Noon S Point Nicobar S73E 579 Miles

PM Fresh Breezes and cloudy W.
Set the Main Top Mast Staysail.
at 4 DW: Set the Fore Top Mast Studdingsail
at 8 Fresh Breezes, with a Squally appearance: In Fore Top Mast Studdingsail
at 9 Squally with drizzling rain: In TopGallant sails & sent down Royal Yards.
at 10.30 In Main Top Mast Staysail
at Midnight Fresh Breezes and cloudy W.

午前0時 軽風 曇り 4時 同上(の天気) 5時40分 ロイヤル帆とジブセール畳む 製帆手ハンモック製作 小火器演習 最後部マストのロイヤル帆修理のため伸ばす? [ ??? ] 9尋(1尋=6フィート。10.8m)の錨索を切断 船の?に合わないため 索を丸めるための修理 正午 南南西からの大きなうねりと雄風 飲料水残量 108.5トン 針路 南55度東 北緯9度38分 北緯9度58分 東経85度33分 東経84度57分 海流 南47度西 時速27海里?(50km) 正午の位置 ニコバル諸島南端へ南73度東 579海里

午後 疾風 曇り 中央マストトップのステースル(補助三角帆)展張 4時 同上 前方マストトップのスタンスル(補助帆)展張 9時 こぬか雨のスコール トップゲルン帆を畳みロイヤルヤードを下げる 10時30分 中央マストの下から2段目の(トップマスト)ステースル(補助帆)を畳む 午前0時 疾風 曇り(5/3)

この日の午前、小火器演習を行っている。小銃等の射撃訓練だろうか?あるいはカロナード砲のような軽砲も含むのか? 製帆手はハンモック作り。約11mの長さの錨策を切断した。この辺り判読が難しく、詳細は不明。正午からは風も強くなり、海上には大きなうねりが出ている。夕方にはこぬか雨のスコール襲来。マスト上部の帆を畳み、艦全体の展帆を少なくしている。インド洋のど真ん中。はるか西に行くとセイロン島がある筈。

July 14 from Madras towards China July14
AM Fresh Breezes and cloudy W
at day light, Set the Staysails, Fore Top Mast Studdingsails & fidded the Royal Masts
at 7.50 AM Observed as follows 87.11 East of Greenwich
at 8 Mod and cloudy W
at 10 Set the Topgallant Studding sails
Sail Makers employed as before
Mustered Ship’s Company P Devisions
Profile variously
at Noon Fresh Wind & cloudy. No Observation. Water Remaining 107 Tons
Course S66E 184 MIles 8.28(3?)N 87.51E Current Bearing at Noon Port Nicobars S76E 405 miles

PM Fresh Breezes and cloudy Weather
at 3.30 _ Topgallant Staysail at 3.50 In Topgallant Studding sails
at 4 Fresh Breezes and cloudy W
at 6 DW
at 8 DW at 8.50 Latitude by _ of _ 8.15N
at 11.30 Saw 3 sail ENE. Beat? to Quarters & _’d ship for Action.
at 11.40 Hove ship at 11.55 Spoke HMS Caroline: Shortened sail & hove too:
at Midnight, Spoke HMS Fox & lowered a boat down for the Captain to go on board her.
Signals ( at 11.30 Burned a blue light, which was answered with __ lights horizontally
at 12.30 showed _ lights vertically in answering to the above)

7月14日 午前0時 疾風 曇り 曙光でステースル展張 前方マストの下から2段目スタンスル展張 最上部のマスト(ロイヤルマスト)を? 7時50分の観測結果 8時 和風 曇り 10時 トップゲラン帆のスタンスル(補助帆)展張 製帆手従前通り作業(ハンモック製作?) 総員呼集 Profile variously の意味不明 正午 疾風 曇り 太陽の観測できず 飲料水残量 107トン 針路 南66度東 184海里 北緯8度28分 東経87度51分 海流 観測なし 正午の位置 ニコバル港へ南76度東 405海里

午後 疾風 曇り 3時30分 トップゲラン帆のステースル(三角帆)? 3時50分 トップゲラン帆のスタンスル(補助帆)畳む 4時 疾風 曇り 6時 同上 8時 同上 8時50分 緯度? 北緯8度15分 11時30分 東北東に3帆を望見 戦闘配置につく 11時40分 停船のため風上に船首を向ける 11時55分 英艦キャロライン号と交信 縮帆し停船 12時 英艦FOXと交信 ボートを下し艦長がFOXに向かい乗艦


だがこの夜、ドラマが起こる。夜11時30分、東北東に3つの帆を見たのだ。報告を受けた艦長は直ちに「Hands to Action Stations(戦闘配置につけ)!」と命令を発し、それを全艦に伝えるドラムが打ち鳴らされた。砲甲板の当直でない砲手たちは砲の間の梁にハンモックを張って寝ているが、直ちに飛び起きてハンモックを畳み、舷側の砲門を開け、砲をいつでも発射出来る体制を取らなければならない。そして畳まれたハンモックは上甲板に運ばれ、海戦になった場合の敵艦からのマスケット銃の射撃から乗組員や士官を防御出来るように配置される。フェートン号は出港6日目にして火事場のような喧騒に包まれただろう。


現れたのは、英軍艦(HMS)キャロラインだった。風上に立ち、停船するとspokeしている。メガフォンを使っての会話だろうか。日誌には詳述されていないが、キャロラインは英軍艦FOXと同航しているようで、このFOXともspokeした後にボートを下ろし、ペリュー艦長がFOXに乗船したとある。情報交換であろう。それにしても、レーダーもなく、しかも夜の大洋の真ん中で出会うとは現代の我々にはありえないことのように思えるのだが。このHMS CarolineとHM FOXは、マラッカを出港しマドラスに向かうのであろう。英海軍の航路などがもしあるのならそれを正確に辿って航海することによってこのように反航艦と巡り合うのも不思議ではないのかもしれない。HMS FOXという名の軍艦は16隻あり、ここでフェートンが邂逅したFOXは1780年建造の32門装備の第5等艦、フェートンと同年の建造で武装もほぼ同じであるが、Minerva型ではないようである。退役は1818年、フェートンより10年も早い。HMS Carolineは実は数カ月前までフランス海軍のフリゲート艦Piemonaiseピエモンテであった。40門を装備したこの艦は商船攻撃で武功をあげていたが英軍艦St Fiorenzoと3日間に渡り交戦、3本のマストを撃ち倒され艦長他多大の犠牲を出して英国海軍の手に落ち、コロンボで修復された。ペリューがFOXに乗艦し、どのような情報を交換したかは記載にない。

July 15July15
AM Moderate Breezes and cloudy W.
at 1/2 past 2 The Boat returned, filled & made sail. Parted Company with HMS Fox & Caroline & _
at 4 Fresh Breezes and cloudy W.
at 6 Squally Weather with
at 7 Saw a sail NE Hove & _ towards her
at 8.10 Shortened sail & hove too: Spoke the American Brig Hilenia
from Bengal, bound to Philadelphia, Sent a boat on board her.
at 9 filled & made sail : Mustered at Quarters:
at 11 Squally with rain, In Topgallant sails & Jib: at 11.20 Set the Jib
at 11.30 Set the Fore & Main Topgallant sails & Main Top most Mast Staysail.
at Noon Squally W with drizzling rain. Water Remaining 105 1/2 Tons
Course S67E 189 Miles 7.9N 90.44E Bearings at Noon To Port Nicobar S81E 196 miles

PM Fresh Breezes and squally appearance on the SW
at 1 In Topgallant Sails at 1.20 Set d
at 4 DW
at 5 Squally with Rains, shortening sail
at 5.30 Weather Moderate set them again
at 6.20 A heavy squall with rain: Up Mainsail: Lowered the Topsails on the Cap: Spinning the MizenTopsail Yard: Double reefed the Topsails: Sent Royal Yards down & S_the Masts: Carpenters employed battening the Mizen Topsail Yard.
at 7 Set the Mainsail
at 10.45 Set the Mizen Topsail
Sail Makers, making a Main Topsail
at Midnight Mod and cloudy W

7月15日 午前0時 和風曇天 2時15分艦長のボートが戻り帆を展張して風を受ける FOX、CALOLINE両艦と別れる 4時 疾風曇天 6時 スコール 7時 北東に帆を見る ヒーブツーし船に向かう 8時10分 縮帆し停船 アメリカのブリッグ船ヒレニアと言葉をかわす ベンガルからフィラデルフィアへ向かっているとのこと

July 16 Madras towards ChinaJuly16
AM Moderate Breezes and cloudy W
at 4 DW
at 4:20 Set Topgallant Sails & Jib Longitude 93.23 E
at 8 Light Breezes and cloudy W Set the Spanker
at 9 Out 2nd reefs & set the Royals
seed the Lower Deck. Carpenters, Sailmakers employed
At Noon Moderate Breezes & dark cloudy W. Water Remaining 104 tons
Course S64E 140 Miles 6.12 N 6.4 N 93.13 E Bearings at Noon To Port Nicobar 53 miles

PM Squally with Rains made & Shortened Sail Occasionally
at 4 DW:
at 4:30 Squally with heavy rain, In Studdingsail
at 5:30 In 2nd reefs of Topsails
at 8 Dark, cloudy, Squally looking Weather with drizzling Rain
at 9.30 Moderates, Set Topgallant sails
11.30 A heavy squalls In Topgallant Sails & Jib: & Lowered the Topsails
at Midnight, Mod W. Hoisted the Topsails.

4時 デッドウォーター
4時20分 トップガラントセイルとジブセイルを上げる 緯度93.23E
8時 弱いそよ風と曇りの天気 スパンカーを上げる
9時 セカンドリーフを出し、ロイヤルセイルを張る
下甲板を掃除する 大工、帆縫い工は仕事中
正午 適度なそよ風と暗い曇りの天気 残りの水104トン
コースS64E 140マイル 緯度6.12N 6.4N 経度93.13E
正午の位置 ニコバル島まで53マイル

4時 デッドウォーター
4時30分 突風と強い雨、スタッディングセイルを降ろす
5時30分 トップセイルのセカンドリーフを入れる
8時 暗く曇り、突風のような天気と霧雨
9時30分 穏やかになり、トップガラントセイルを上げる
11時30分 激しい突風 トップガラントセイルとジブを降ろし、トップセイルを下げる
真夜中 穏やかな風 トップセイルを上げる

MB 曇 下甲板洗浄 昼MB暗曇 風雨 時に豪雨 夜豪雨

July 17July17
AM Moderates and cloudy W
at 2.20 Set Topgallant Sails, Jibs, Spanker & Staysails
at day light Saw the Ackua Islands S.E Cloudy, Squally W
out 2nd reefs of the Topsails & set all the Studdingsails
at 7.50 Pula Ronde S50E
at 8 D.Weather
at 10 .30 Mustered by Divisions
Squally Weather
at Noon cloudy, Squally W. Queens Peak S10E. Center of Pula Way S22W. Pula Rondo, seen from the Mizen Top about WSW No Observation. Water Remaining 102 Tons
Course S83E 142 Miles 5.54 N 96.3 E Bearings at Noon Diamond Point S75E 140 miles

PM Moderate Breezes & cloudy W with drizzling Rain at Intervals
at 4 DW Queens Peak SSW
at 6 Dark cloudy W. In Royals. Squally with Rain
at 8.30 __ Top Mast Studding Sail & Topgallant sails
Squally with heavy rains. Lowering the Mizen Topsail & took in 2nd reef.
at Midnight Squally Weather with heavy Rains

MB曇 夜明け島望見 10:30点呼 雨 島マストからPila Rondo 午後雨 夕暗曇 夜豪雨

July 18 Madras towards China S.W MonsoonJuly18
AM Squally with Rain: at 12.40 hoisted the Mizen Topsail
at 4 Dark cloudy W
at day break; The high Land of Sumatra from SSW toSW made all sail. dark cloudy W
at 8 D.W Elephant S49W. Elephant _ S33W Bent the Best Bower大アンカー & S_ Cables
Sail Makers employed as before. Carpenters employed
at Noon, Light Winds & hazy W. A part of Sumatra seen for Clouds Latitude 5.26 N Water Remaining 100 1/2Tons
Course S75E 166 Miles 5.26N 5.29N 98.10E Bearings at Noon Pula __ S44 1/2E 143 Miles

PM Light winds; In Studdingsails
Bent the Small Bower Cables
at 4 Light airs, inclining to Calm
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters; Squally looking W
at 7 In Topgallant sails
at 8 Squally W with rain, Lowered the Topsails
at 8.5 Double reefed d
Constant Rains
at Midnight D Weather

雨 暗曇 夜明けスマトラの高地望見 8時より作業 SW Monsoon 暗曇 大アンカー? スマトラ見える 午後穏やかに 雨続く

July 19July19
AM Light airs with heavy rain
at day light out 2nd reefs of the Topsails; Set Topgallant sails, Mainsail
& Spanker at 6.30 Tacked
at 7.40 Set the Fore Top Mast Studdingsail; cloudy Rainy Weather
at 8 Light airs and cloudy W. The high land of Sumatra from SWW to SWS
at 9 Down Fore Top Mast Studdingsail.
Drizzling Rain. Sail Makers making Hammocks. Watch working up lunch?
at Noon Light winds & dark clouds over Sumatra Lat Ob 4.43N
Water Remaining 99 Tons
Course S40E 46 Miles 4.43N 4.50N 98.39E Bearings at Noon __ S50E 90 miles

PM Light Variable Winds __ occasionally
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
at 8 Light Breezes and fine clear W
Sounded in 27 fathoms
at 10 Sounded in 30 fathoms
at Midnight, Squally appearance in?on the SW. Sounded in 36 fathoms.

豪雨 スマトラ望見 9時雨中ハンモック作り 昼スマトラの上に黒い雲 雨中SM作業 5:30呼集 夜晴れ 深夜雨

July 20 Madras towards China SW MonsoonJuly20
AM Dark cloudy Weather with lightning in the SW
at 2 Sounded in 28 fathoms. Up Mainsail.
at 2.30 In Topgallant Sails.
at 3 Tacked at 3.30 Set the Mainsail, cloudy Squally Weather with Rain
at 6.30 Tacked. High land of Sumatra SSW
at 8 Light Variable winds with rain. Extremes of Sumatra,
from S to SW1/2W. Pulau Vacella SE1/2S 5 or Dia__
Sail Making __sails & Hammocks
at Noon, __ Squally appearance from SE to SW. No land seen for clouds.
Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons Water Remaining 97 1/2 Tons
Course S36E 40 Miles 4.6N 99.3 E Current approximately none Bearings at Noon Picto Naullo S65E 48 miles

PM Calm and cloudy W.
at 2 Light Breezes for ESE at 2.10 Has taken aback後方へ trimmed Sails:heavy rain
at 3.30 Set all the Studdingsails
at 4 Cloudy Weather with drizzling rain.
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
at 6 Pulau Vasilla S50E 8 or 9 Miles: at 6.15 Sounded in 11 fathoms
Wind variable, In Studdingsails
13 1/2 fathoms
at 8 Light airs drizzling rain
Constant heavy rains with light airs
at Midnight Calm and cloudy W

暗曇雷光 雨 スマトラ端が見える SW Monsoon 帆&ハンモック 雨 雲で島見えず 午後豪雨 海流ほぼ無し 夜豪雨 深夜曇

July 21 In the Straits of Malacca July21
AM Light airs and dark cloudy W 11
Soundings as P Margins at 2 Tacked & Set the Mainsail 9 1/4
Pa__ back over the Bank: Shortest Water 8 1/4 fathoms, Pula Varella SEbS 8 1/4
at 4 Dark cloudy Weather with rain
at day light P Vaulla SSE 6 or 7 leagues
Calm and cloudy Weather
at 7.40 a light breeze from SE, Made Sail. Cloudy Squally looking W
Mustered Divisions, Squally W with rain
at Noon Pula Vaulla S20W 4 or 5 leagues
Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons Water remaining 96 Tons
Course East 43 Miles 4.8 N 99.40E 99.48E Current N88E 12 miles
Bearings at Noon Malacca S51E 184 Miles

PM Fresh Breezes with small rain
at 1.50 Set Topgallant sails. Saw Piclo Fower SEbE
Set Stay sails & Royals
Mustered at Quarters Variation ___ 2E
at Sunset Pula Jarra S2W ____E11S 32
at 8.20 Light breeze from NE. Trimmed Sails
Dark clouds with Lightning in the NW
at 10 Squally W Shortened Sail to the Topsails & __
at 11 Moderate, Set Topgallant Sails & Royals
at Midnight, Fresh Breezes with small rain.

微風曇 浅い海底 暗雨 In the Starits of Malacca スコールの中呼集 海岸近し 午後FB雨 呼集  夜曇雷光 深夜FB雨

July 22July22
AM Squally appearance: at 1.30 __ Sail to the Topsails __ them on the Ca_ in a heavy squall 34
at 2.30 __ the Topsail
at 4 Weather moderated, Set Topgallant Sails 32
at daylight light air with drizzling rain
at 5.30 Set Royals 35
at 6 a hill on Sumatra seen SW ____ E1/2S
Set Studdingsails
Sail Makers making Hammock: Watch working up _
into ( Rats & Mats) Set Royal Studdingsails
at 10 Shifted the Studdingsails over to the Starboard side.
a Ship ESE
at Noon Light airs inclining to Calm. 28
Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons Water Remaining 94 1/2 Tons
Course S52E 76 Miles 3.17N 3.21N 100.48E 100.39E Current S65W 10 drift Bearings at Noon Malacca S55E 113 Miles

PM Light Winds and sultry Weather
Out 1st reefs The _ insight from the Mast head 37
at 4 D. Weather
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters; In Studdingsails; ____ 35
at 6 The _____: Long_ S15W 5 0r 6 leagues
Calm & cloudy, Squally appearance 35
Departed His Life, Christopher Garry (Seaman) 35
at 11.30 light Breeze from SE filled on the Starboard Tack,
In Royal & Staysails
at Midnight Light winds & cloudy weather 36

深夜豪雨 驟雨 スマトラ望見 ハンモック作業 午後微風蒸し暑い 曇 雨 クリストファー・ギャリー(水兵)死亡

July 23 in the Straits of MalaccaJuly23
36 AM Squally with heavy rain thunder & lightning
37 In Topgallant Sails
35 Up Mainsail at 3 heavy squall with thunder, lightning and rain: Lowered Topsails 31
31 at 3.30 Up Fore’s
26 at 4 hove too: Constant heavy rains; wind shifting all round the Compass 23
18 at 6 Saw the round A_, bearing S42W filled & made all Sails
at 7 Saw Pacelar hill E6S
19 at 8 D.W at 9 Strong Breezes from NE ward; Set all the Studdingsails 18
20 Dark, cloudy W Committed the body of the deceased to the Deep. 22 Sail Makers, making hammock & a Fore Topgallant Sail. At Noon, Cloudy W. & very threatening. Pacula Hill East; Sabu hill 24 E10N Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons Water Remaining 93 Tons
Course S69E 37 Miles 3.3N 101.13E Bearings at Noon Malacca S48 3/4E 77 Miles

PM Light variable WindsFore’s
at 4 Calm, Shook out 1st reefs
22 at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
23 at 6 The West Extreme of the low land N5E Paceela Hill N30E East Extreme E 1/2S
30 at 8 _ Hill NE1/2E Fine Pleasant Weather
20 28 at Midnight D.W

朝 豪雨 雷鳴雷光続く 6時7時丘望見 SB 10時 水葬 すぐにSM作業開始 午後無風 呼集 夜fine pleasant weather

July 24 S.W Monsoon July24
36 AM Calm and cloudy W
42 38 at 1 a breeze spanning up from the NE ward
36 29 26 at 4 Tacked: Light airs
24 at daybreak Pacuila Hill NE East Extremes E 1/2S
at 6.30 Tacked: Cloudy W
Found 1 Butt of Water leaked out; the Cask being worn
at 8 D.W Tacked Ship
Tacked occasionally; working to Windward: Mustered P Divisions; Lowered boat; Sent her to Sound on the Bank, between Cape Ricardo & Pecular Hill, & found the shortest part 7 1/2 fathoms. At Noon Tacked Cape Ricardo EbS Paceilar hill NWbN Water Expended 2 Tons
Remaining 91 Tons
Course 2.33N Bearings at Noon Parcilar Hill NWbN

PM Light Breezes and fine Weather: Tacked occasionally
at 2.30 Anchored with the Stream in 24 fathoms 24
at 3.40 Weighed & made Sail
19 at 5.30 Tacked in: 19 fathoms; Cape Ricardo S65E Parcilar Hill N36W just seen over the Fore’s
at Sunset Paceilar hill N35W Cape Ricardo S58E West Extremes N48W
at 8 Tacked. Fine clear W
at 9.30 Shortened Sail & anchored with the Stream? in 30 fathoms Cape Ricardo ESE
at Midnight Light breezes from SEbE

無風曇 1樽 水漏れ タック風に合わせて繰り返す 総員点呼 ボートを降ろし測深 水2トン 午後快晴 投錨  出帆 タック多し  夜 帆を畳み投錨

July 25 July25
AM Moderate & cloudy W
at 4 D.W
at 5 Weighed & made all sail
at daylight, Saw 3 Strange Sail SW
at 8 D.W Sail Makers making hammocks; Coopers Repairing Water Casks
21 at 9.45 Tacked in 21 fathoms
At Noon Shortened Sail and anchored with the Stream in 20 fathoms; Cape Ricardo N15W Mt. Oplus N70E Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons Water Remaining 89 1/2 Tons
Course 2.15N Bearings at Noon Cape Ricardo N15W 9 or 10

PM Light airs
21 at 4.30 Weighed & made all Sail
Mustered at quarters & single reefed the Topsails
20 at Sunset Cape Ricardo N34W S__ S78E
at 8 D.W
at 9 Tacked in 17 fathoms
Tacked occasionally
at Midnight D.W

和風曇 3帆見る 8時ハンモック作業 水樽修理 投錨 午後軽風 4時半出帆 呼集 タック多し 夜同様

July 26 Madras towards China July26
29 AM Light airs inclining Calm
at 12.30 Anchored with the Stream in 29 fathoms
at 4 Squally looking Weather in the WSW
at day light, __ Land as follows: Mt. Opler NEbE3/4E The Largest of the Water Islands 
at 6 Weighed & made all Sail. Found 1 Butt of Water leaked out.
at 7 Squally with heavy rain: In Royals, Topgallant Sails, Jib & Mainsail & lowered the Topsail; wind shifting all round the Compass: at 8 Malacca Flag Staff NEbE:
at 11 Light airs from the Westward; Set Royals & Topgallant Studding sails. Sail Makers making hammocks: Coopers repairing Water Casks: at Noon Malacca(FS) N28E ___
Water Expended 2 Tons D.Remaining 87 1/2Tons
Course 2.7N Bearings at Noon Malacca Flag Staff N28E 7 or 8 Miles

PM Light airs & clear W
at 3 Shortened Sail & Anchored with the Best Bower in less 13 fathoms
in Malacca Road: Returned the Forts salute of 11 Gun with 9
Unbent the Mainsail & Main Topgallant Sail to repair. Bent a new Main Topgallant Sail
Ranged the Small Bower Cable: Stayed the Masts
at 8 Moderate Breezes and fine W
at Midnight Light airs and fine W

無風 12:30投錨 雨 6時出帆 水樽漏れ豪雨 風向き不定航行困難? 帆樽修理作業 水2トン 3時マラッカ泊地投錨 礼砲9発に11発 主帆修理 錨綱 マスト支さえ 夜MB 晴

July 27 in Malacca Roads July27
AM Light Winds & fine W
(at 2)Sent the Mizen Topsail Yard down to _. Coopers repairing Water Casks.
(at 3)Sail Makers repairing the Main_
at 4 D.W Long. P Chrono?_ at __ 102.271/2E
Received10 Live Buffaloes with __
Employed variously
at Noon, Light airs and fine Weather Water Expended 1 1/2Tons Water Remaining 86Tons
Bearing & Distance at Anchor
__ N28W Malacca(FG) about 2 1/4 Miles N65E ___ S45E S___ N62W

PM Light airs and fine W
Bent the Main_l sail, Crossed ? the Mizen Topsail Yard & bent the Mizen Topsail
Carpenters, Sail Makers, Artificers & Coopers employed at 2.20 PM Log. 102.24.3/4E
at 6 Calm and fine W at 4 PM Long. Chro 102.26 3/4E
at 8 Light airs from the Westward at 7.30PM 102.40East
at Midnight, FineW

軽風晴 諸作業 生牛10頭積載 昼軽風晴 諸作業 軽風晴

July 28 from Malacca to China July28
AM Light Winds & fine W
(at 2) Killed 2 Buffaloes weighing 334 lb.
at 6.30 Weighed & made all Sail: Returned Garrisons salute with 9 guns
Set Top Mast & Topgallant Studdingsails
Sail Makers, Artificers, Coopers & Rope Makers employed
at 8 D.W at 9 In Studdingsails
At Noon Light Breezes; Tacked ship: Out Water Islands. NE1/2E Mount Moor E1/2S
Water Expended 1 1/2Tons Remaining 84 1/2 Tons
Course 1.57N Bearings at Noon Mount Moor E 1/2N Off shore about 3 leagues

PM Light Breezes and fine W
at 4 Calm
24 at Sunset the outer Water Island NNW1/2W
Mount Moor E3/4N Mount __ E_S
at 8 Light airs off the Land
at Midnight Steady Breezes and fine W

軽風晴 2時 2頭屠殺 6時半出帆 全帆展張 礼砲9発 Sail Makers, Carpenters, Coopers & Rope Makers 151kg 軽風晴 無風 夜半軽風晴

July 29 July29
AM Steady Breezes and fine W
at 2:30 Tacked ship
Killed one Buttock, 154 lb.
at daylight Mount Mon? NNE
at 7:30 Tacked ship
Cleared theT?P? _. Shifted the Outer Best Bower Cable being bad, &

bent one of the Small Bower Cables
at 11 Tacked in 13 fathoms. SailMakers, RopeMakers, Carpenters
& Artificers at Work
at Noon Fine Weather Water Expended 1 1/2Tons Water Remaining 83 Tons
Course 1.41N Bearings at Noon Mount Moor N5W

PM Light Breeze and cloudy W
SailMakers employed as usual
at 1/2 past 4 ___ over Bank of 5 fathoms water Mt__ N31E
Pulo Pitang N79E Great Camnon Peak S65E
10 1/2 at 5 Tacked in 101/2 fathoms 4 or 5 Miles from the Sumatra shore
at 6 Crossed the Bank in 6 fathoms, Mt Moor N38E Mt Moor N5W
at 6 Tacked and stood to the S
Crossed the Bank again in 1/4 5 fathoms, hard Sand
at 7:30 Tacked. had no _ than 10 fathoms standing to the NE
at 8 Squally appearance with Thunder and Lightning to the Westward
11 at 11:30 Sounded in 11 fathoms
at Midnight Light Variable Winds

SB晴 2時半1頭屠殺 SM, Carpenters, Coopers & Rope Makers 昼晴から曇 SM作業 スマトラ島から5マイル水深6 浅瀬 タック多し 西に雷光雷雨

July 30 Malacca towards China July30
AM Moderate Breeze and fine clear W
22 at 1:30 Tacked Mount Se__ N1/2E 22 fathoms waters
at 2:30 Squally Shortened Sail to the Topsails
Wind varying from West to North. Killed two Buttocks
weighing 364 lb. at 4 Squally looking Weather
at daylight P? Pitang NEbE 3or 4
at 6 Has taken alack?: Wind from SSE
at 7:30 Tacked. P?Pitang N 2 miles Squally looking Weather
Set Topgallant sails & Staysails A small Brig insight SSW
at 9:45 Tacked. & Passed over a bank of 5 fathoms Canamon Peak S51E
Mount For__ N20W P Pilang N50E
at 11 had 3 or 4 Casks of 9 fathoms Canamon Peak S51E
of __ C___ S50E Pitang N32E W. Battamabolu N12W, Mt For_ N34W
at Noon Fresh Breezes, In Topgallant sails. Sailmakers making Farpan? lines: P. Pirang N10E Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons Remaining 81 1/2
Course 1.22N Bearings at Noon Ca__ Peak S30E

PM Light Winds and gloomy weather
at 3:30 Tacked Employed working up __
(at 4) Rope Makers, Sail Makers employed as before
(at 5) Mustered at Quarters
at 6 _____ S32E ____ ______
(at 8) Moderate Head Breezes. Tacked occasionally ______
at Midnight Light Winds & _ W

MB晴 雨 2頭屠殺 6時アラック 小Brig船を見る 水深5尋浅瀬を通過 SM作業 天候不順 SM RM作業 呼集 正面の風タック

July 31 from Malacca towards China July31
AM Light Breezes and fine weather
Tacked occasionally as P Margin
Killed one Buttock Weighing 174 lb.
at daylight D.W
at 6:30 Tacked. North end of Settla Cusmon W NW 3 or 4 Miles
at 8 Mod Breezes and fine W.
Mustered at Quarters & P Of__ list
at 11 Tacked ship. in 13 fathoms
at Noon South end of Barn Island E19S _ Island S30E
Tacked ship in 17 fathoms Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons Remaining 80 Tons
Course 1.13 N Bearings at Noon Barn Island E19S

PM Squally appearance in the SW
at 3:30 Tacked Stood to the SW__ & Red Island: & _____
Set Studding sail
at 5:30 Mustered at Quarters
at ____ N70E Johor hill N39E Bintang hill S70E
12 1/4 at 8 Shortened sail & with the B.B. in 12 1/4 fathoms
Johor P N77W Wabu Bay N30E Bar_ hill N14E
Outer Rock? off P Romania N67E Bintang hill S50E 1.2 mile off shore
D__ the _ light Winds & fine W
at Midnight D.W

タック 1頭屠殺 タック 8時呼集陸地から3マイルタック 呼集 Johor hill N39E Bintan hill S70E

August 1 at Anchor
AM Light air & fine Weather
Sent a boat onshore to cut __wood & B___ for Hogging the ship
Carpenters, Stocking the spare Anchor, SailMakers making a Topmast Staysails
Rope Makers __ & Lashing for the Ship’s Company? People cutting wood for the
Hog; & Picking Oakum マイハダ古い麻綱をほぐしたもの 甲板の詰め物
Killed 2 Buttocks weighing 220 lb. Longitude Chrono 104.13 East
Mod & cloudy W. Employed Hogging the Ship’s Bottom
Employed working up Lunch
at Noon Light airs & fine W Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons Remaining 78 1/2 Tons

Received 2 Boat loads of Wood
Employed as before at 4 PM Caliberated as follows Longitude Observed 104.20 1/4 East of Greenwich
at 6 Light Winds & fine W
at 8 Weather as above Employed Hogging the Ship’s Bottom
(at 11) Fine Weather

3時木材収集のためボートを陸地派遣 大工 換え錨SM RM 船底清掃 マイハダで甲板詰め物作業 7時2頭屠殺 船底作業昼食まで作業ボート2艇分の木材荷揚げ 夜も船底清掃

August 2
AM Light winds and fine Weather
(at 3) Killed 2 Buttocks weighing 388 lb
at 4 D.W
Employed hogging the Ship’s Bottom: Brought up with the
Hog a great quantity of S?? & Barnacles フジツボ
Sail Makers, Carpenters, Rope Makers, & employed as usual
People? working up lunch?
at 10:30 Weighed, Light Winds from the Westward: made all sail
at 11 Squally W, shortened sail
at Noon Point Romanica? N1E Pedro Blanca East
Squally appearance to the Westward Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons Remaining 77 Tons
Course 1.21N 104.13E Current None Bearings at Noon As Specified above

PM Light Breeze and fine W
at 1:30 Sight Pedro Blanca at the distance of
at 3 Mod W. __ P Margin & made all sail
at 4 Weather as above
at 4.30 Bintang Hill S6W Barb__ _ S52W

at 5:30 Mustered at Quarters
at Sunset the _ Shore in sight SW
at 8:30 Sounded in 25 fathoms
at 10 ___ N1W 3/4W
at 10:30 ____ West 3 or 4 leagues
at Midnight Steady Breeze and fine Weather

3時屠殺4時船底清掃大量のフジツボ SM RM C昼食まで作業 西風10時帆出帆大洋へ 全帆展張11j時スコールで縮帆 3時展帆 呼集

August 3 Malacca towards China
AM Fine steady Breeze
at 6 D.Weather
at 7:30 Set the Main Top Mast Studdingsail & Royal Staysail
at 8 Moderate Breeze and fine W
Sail makers Rope Makers & employed
Exercised Great Guns & small Arms: fired at a Target
at Noon Steady Breeze and fine Weather
Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons Water Remaining 75 1/2 Tons
Course N22.26 71 Miles 3.52N 3.41N 105.15E 105.11 3/4 E Bearings at Noon Pulo Sapata N29 1/2 E 432 Miles

PM Light Breeze and fine W
Sail Makers making a Fore _ W? Staysail
at 4 Weather as above
at 5 Weather as above
at 8.42 P _ Observed the Noons _ distance from Antares
___ Meridian as follows
Longitude 106.23E
at 9 Observed Means Meridians Altitude & found the Latitude 4.37N
at Midnight light Breezes and fine Weather

大洋上 SM RM船上作業 大砲小火器標的射撃 20:42月明 月とアンタレス星による測位

August 4
AM Fine Steady Breeze
(at 2)In Topgallant & Royal Studdingsails
at 3 Variable Winds: In all Studdingsails
at daylight Weather rather gloomy: Set the Studdingsails
at 8 Weather as above
Mustered at Divisions
Sailmakers, Artificers employed
at Noon Light Winds Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons D:Remaining 74 Tons
Course N30 1/2E 129 Miles 5.38N 5.39N 106.14E 106.22 3/4E Current None
Bearings at Noon Pulo Sapata N32E 312 Miles

PM Light Breeze with showers of small rain at Intervals
at 2:30 The Wind varied to SW
at 4 D.W
at 5:30 Mustered at Quarters
Gloomy appearance all round
at 8 Fine Clear W Wind steady from WNW all sail set
at 8:23 Observed the Moon nearest distance from the Star Antares
West of the Moon & Meridian as follows
Longitude 107.9.15 East of Greenwich Latitude 6.24N
at Midnight Mod & fine W

8時総員点呼 作業 海流なし 風不定 総員点呼後天気不順gloomy8時風良全帆展張 20:23月とアンタレスで観測

August 5 Malacca towards China
AM Moderate Breeze and fine W
at 3:30 Tried for Soundings no bottom with 40 fathoms
at 4 Steady Breeze & fine W. all Sail set
at 5 D.Weather
Artificers employed as before
at Noon Fine clear Weather, all sail set Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons D.Remaining 72 1/2 Tons Long. 107.58E
Course N33E 142 Miles 7.30N 7.31N 107.43E 107.58E Current East 22
Bearings at Noon Pulo Sapata N23E 161 Miles

PM Steady Breeze and fine W
Watch working up__ knotting yarn, & Stopping the P__ Blocks
Coopers repairing Water Casks
(at 5) Mustered at Quarters: Sky? ___ set
at 6:50 In Sky__ & Royal Studdingsails
at 8:10 Observed the Moons nearest distance from the Star Antares
West of Moon & Meridian: d_ 18 feet
Longitude 108.31 E
at Midnight Tried for Soundings, no bottom with 41 fathoms
Fine clear W

昼全帆展張 午後諸作業 knotting yarn 樽修理測深届かず 夜晴天

August 6
AM Squally appearance
at 2:30 heavy lightning & rain, In Studdingsails
at 3:30 A Heavy squall with rain; In Topgallant sails
at daylight Weather more moderate Set TopgallantSails & Studdingsails
at 7:30 Set the Spanker
at 8:50 Saw Pulo Sapata from the Mast head bearing NbW
at 10:15 Pulo Sapata insight from the Deck bearing N39W 時間差、1時間25分
Employed washing between decks
AT Noon Pulo Sapata West about 7 3/4 Miles
Long of Pulo Sapata by best Chro 109.9E & 109.20E
Course N30E 156 Miles 10.00N 9.45N 109.23E 109.16E
Water Expended 11/2 Tons Remaining 71 Tons Current N25W 1 1/4 Miles
Bearings at Noon Pulo Sapata West 7 3/4 Miles Cambridge _ N43 E56

PM Steady Breeze & fine W
at 12:50 In Skysails? & Royal Studdingsail
at 4 D.W
at 4:45 attend the Course as P Margin
(at 5.30) Mustered at Quarters; Fine clear W
at 8 Weather as above
at 9 Latitude by Medieval altitude of Lira 10.54 N
at 10 Latitude in by the N Polar Star 11.2N
Shifted the Main Topgallant Studdingsails
at Midnight Steady Breeze and fine W

夜雷名豪雨マスト望見からデッキ目視まで1時間25分 デッキ水洗い ホーチミン沖 満月

August 7 towards China
AM Cloudy W. In Royals & Topgallant Studdingsails
at 2:30 In Main Top Mast Studdingsails
at daylight, made all Sail, Steady Breezes and fine Weather
at 8 Breeze freshening
Coopers employed
Found 1 Butt of Water leaked out
(at 11) Mustered P Divisions
at Noon Steady Breeze & fine Weather Water Expended 2 Tons Remaining 69 Tons
Course N30E 179 Miles Water 6912.37N 12.34N 110.48E 111.25E Current N88E
Bearings at Noon M____shoal N46E 27 Miles

PM Steady Breeze & fine W
Shifted the Main TopMast Studdingsail to the Starboard side
at 2:30 Altered the Course as P Margin
(at 5) Mustered at Quarters
at 8 fine W
at Midnight Fresh Breeze and fine W

夜明け全帆展張 1樽水漏れ空に 11時総員点呼

August 8
AM Light Breeze and cloudy W
In Topgallant Studdingsails: at 12:30 Shifted the Studdingsails
at 4 Fresh Breeze and cloudy W
Shifted the Studdingsails to the Starboard side & Set Topgallant Studdingsails
at 8 D.W
Sailmakers employed making a Quarter Deck __
Watch working up Lunch?
at Noon Fresh Winds and fine Weather Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons D. Remaining 671/2 Tons
Course N32 1/4E 194 MIles 15.12N 15.20N 113.11E 113.5E Current None Bearings at Noon Grand S__ N6 1/2E distant 414 Miles

PM Fresh Breeze and cloudy Weather
at 4 D.Weather
at 5:30 Mustered at Quarters
at 6:30 Shifted the Studdingsails & Tried for Soundings: Sound
no bottom with 40 fathoms : altered Course as P Margin
at 7:30 Latitude in by Antares 15.51 N
at 10:30 Latitude in by Aquila 16.5 N
at Midnight Fine Steady Breeze all possible sail set

午前作業 SM 5時30分定例呼集(Quartersなので士官のみ?)測深は西沙諸島あたり?Antares Aquila で緯度測定 深夜全帆展張

August 9 Malacca towards China
AM Fresh Breeze and fine clear Weather
at 4 Departed his life Mr. John Stanford ( Carpenter )
at 5:30 Set /4 Spanker & Mainsail
A__ employed as before
at 8 Fresh Breeze and clear W
at 11:30 Committed to the deep the Body of the deceased
at Noon Fresh Winds fine clear W Water Expended 1 1/2 Tons D.Remaining 66 Tons
Course N10 1/2E 201 Miles 18.7N 18.30N 113.42E 114.10E Current SE33W
Bearings at Noon Grand Sadnone N4W 234 Miles

PM Cloudy Squally appearance
A__ ship Companies Bedding
at 4 Weather as above
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
(at 8) Dark cloudy W with Lightning in the SE
Constant heavy rains
at Midnight Fresh Winds and Hazy W
Altered Course as P Margin

4時ジョン・スタンフォード(船匠長)死亡 8時Artificers作業開始 11時半水葬 201マイル夕以降雷鳴豪雨

August 10 Malacca towards China
AM(原文 PMの間違い表記) Squally appearance at 12:30 In 2nd reef of the Mizen Topsails
at 1:30 In Royal Topgallant Studdingsails & Staysail
at 2:40 Passed a Chinese Junk
at 4 Cloudy W at 4:30 In lower Studdingsail: Squally appearance
at 5:30 Clear W set the lower Studdingsail & Staysails
at 7:50 Sounded in 35 fathoms
35 at 9:50 Dark Squally looking Weather with drizzling rain
Shortened Sail: __ reef’d the Topsails.Got down Royal yard and stretch the Mast
at 10 Set the Mainsail Jib, Spanker at 11 Moderate & fine W
out 3rd reefs & Set Topgallant Studdingsails: at 11 3/4 Saw the Land bearing NNW Supposed it to be the Grand Sadrone Water 64 Tons
Course N17W 215 Miles 21.28N 21.32N 113.4E 113.13E Current SSE 7 Miles
Bearings at Noon Grand Sadron NE !/4E 16 1/3 leagues

PM Cloudy W. Made all sail: at 1:30 heavy Squall with rain
In Studdingsail, Staysails Mainsail & Jib, & lowered the Topsails
Double reef’d the Topsails. at 2 more moderate, Set the Mainsail & Topgallant & Studdingsails: at 2.30 Weather abated: Saw the Wizard bearing _: Hove & Stood to the NEbE1/2E. at 3 Saw the Great Ladsone bearing EbN1/2N. Made all ssail.
(at 6) Dark Cloudy W
at 6.30 Cababitai Point N3E Passage __ ESE ward of the Great Ladsone S46E Ship in 5 fathoms
at 7.30 Shortened Sail and anchored with the Small Bower__
Tried to 1/2 aCable
(at 10) During the night, Squally with heavy rain, thunder & lightning
Bearings at _. Cabancta P S10E 1mile, ? Macau NE
The Watering Cove S50W
at Midnight Squally W with much rain

深夜スコール帆を順次畳む 2時40分ジャンクがすれ違う 雨 35尋 スコール 陸地望見 水64トン この日は帆の操作説明詳細 投錨 終日天候不順

August 11 off the Mouth of Tipen:
AM. Fresh Breezes & Squally W with heavy rain: at daylight saw two Portuguese ships at Anchor outside the Roads. Sent a boat on board them, found to be _
from Timor bound to Macau. Sent a boat onshore to Macau:
Punished Wetl Boosd for Insolence with 2 dozen lashes
(at 8)Employed as requested ?
at Noon Weather more favorable
PM S_ sails to dry; 帆を乾かす?
At 4:30 Pilot came on board
At 6 __ sails
At Midnight moderate Breeze with light __ squalls

泊地外でポルトガル船2隻 臨検 チモールからマカオへ マカオへボート上陸 5時傲慢無礼でWelt Boosd24鞭打ち刑施行 16時30分水先案内乗船

August 12
AM Moderate Breezes and cloudy W, at 6 Weighed & made sail out of Macau Roads, wind unfair; Tacked occasionally : Sent a boat to Macau for Beef: at 9 Came? too with the Best Bower in 7 fathoms( sounding bottom ) Light winds with much rain & a great Swell setting in. Sail Makers repairing the bending sails; at 10.30 Fresh Winds, weighed & made sail ___. Tacked occasionally for the SE ward of Cabaleta:
at 2.40 Rounded it & the Small Islands off Apome: carried from 5 1/2 to 4 1/4 fathoms
a b_ of Sanckou Islands had 4 1/4 fathoms; about half E__. Passed __ over to the Western side; A__ of the Fishing Stakes which stretched from Cabarista towards Sam chew. Should gradually from 5 1/2 to 1/4 __ passage through the Seppa open, in 6 minutes aff___ grounded in 1/4 lefs 3 fathoms, hoisted all the Boats out; laid the Sails aback 帆を後ろに下げるbut without any effect; let go the Best Bower & vend to 1/2 alable, when the Tide swept _ off to the Eastward over toward Cabareta P . in 4 1/4 fathoms
at 4 PM Weighed again & made all Sail for Black Rock , boats away sounding bottoms it and the NW Fuppa Island: Passed within Pistol shot if the Rock & carried 5_1/2 fathoms & __ __ S__ had 5 fathoms, lest the coined dying away
the tide again swept us clon to the Rick brought the Ship up with the Best B__ in 4 1/4 fathoms. Macau just s__ in with Suppa Isle: Employed _______ not immediately wanted at 5.20 Weighed again & _____ the tide, just __ Macau and _ again. Received 278 LB of Fresh Beef & laid out the Ridge to the ___ at 7.30 Weighed the B.B. and _
__ the ___________ let go the BB again & __ up the _ with the_
at 8 heavy rains and Squally Weather. at Midnight, Squally with heavy rain

6時マカオ泊地から出帆 海岸から半マイル?風不順タック数回 牛肉調達にボート派遣 水深7尋 雨と大うねり 3尋で船底着床 ボートを全部降ろしても効果なし 潮で脱出 出帆 全帆展張 陸地?と短銃射程距離まで接近

August 13 at Anchor in the Broadway, Macau 35
AM cloudy weather
Employed unrigging the Ship
at 6 heavy rains
at 8 Ceased Raining. Employed Rigging _ for lifting the lower Masts
Received 245 LB of Fresh Beef, at 11:45 Received 2 Coils of Manilla Rope from Macau;
Weighed & made sail, about 2 Cables to _ NNW & anchored again with the Small Bower,
in 4 1/2 fathoms.
(note) this Anchorage the water is ___ at lowest EBB but rather ___ at full flood: Very muddy and Dirty. EBB tide comes very rapid

PM constant heavy rain from North till 1/2 past 2.
Employed Rigging the S_ for lifting the main Mast
Sail Makers repairing the bending & Sails
at midnight heavy rain and cloudy weather

艤装を解くunrigging作業 マスト艤装作業 マニラロープ2巻

August 14
AM Moderate Breezes with Constant heavy rain
at 4 sent the Beef boat to Macau
Lifted the Main? Mast & _Lifted the _ _ _ forward
Riggers employed about the Rigging
Received 131 LB of Fresh Beef
at Noon, Cloudy looking Weather with Small rain
(note) There is Fresh Water at almost all the Islands, & two or three when a ship may water with great __)
PM Employed transporting the _ forward for lifting the Fore Mast.
Lifted the Fore Mast and shifted the heel 3 Inches forward.
Squally looking Weather with shower of rain
During the night, constant heavy rain

4時ビーフボートを送る 前方マスト作業午後中 riggers rigging作業 水はどの島でも入手できる 前方マスト3インチ前へ 夜通し雨

August 15 at Anchor in the Broadway, Macau 36
AM moderate winds with constant heavy rain
Employed about the Rigging
Coopers employed on shore at Ballast Island.
Sailmakers repairing the bending sails
Rigged the lower Masts: Received 275 LB of Fresh Beef & quantity of vegetables
Constant heavy rain
Employed about the Top Mast Rigging
Sail Makers employed as before
During the night constant heavy rain with Thunder Lightning

Rigging他各種作業 野菜搭載 at Anchor in the Broadwayマカオ泊地の中央 終日雨 終日艤装作業

August 16 36
AM Gloomy unpleasant Weather
Set up the Lower Rigging & Swayed the Tops over
Received 233 LB of Fresh Beef and a quantity of Vegetables
Sail makers employed as before
at Noon moderate breeze and cloudy weather
Fidded the Top masts & got the Rigging over
Fresh Breezes with rain from ENE
Artificers employed as before
Rope Makers made 35 fathoms of Inch Rope
at Midnight Moderate Breezes with constant rains

朝不快な天候 艤装Rigging続く 夜も雨 35尋のロープ作り

August 17
AM Moderate and cloudy Weather
Received 266 LB of Fresh Beef and a quantity of Vegetables
Swayed the lower Yards up, Crossed Topsail Yards and fidded the Top Sail Masts.
Carpenters making a new Mizen Topsail Yard
Sail Makers repairing the Staysails: Coopers Water Casks.
at Noon, Moderate Winds and cloudy Weather

PM Ditto Weather. Found most of the throat __ of the Lower Rigging __.
Made 80 fathoms / of 1 1/2 Inch for new __.
at 4 a heavy Squall with rain which continued until 1/2 past 5
During the night Squally weather with Lightning from __

野菜搭載 艤装作業 Yardも作る 各工手多忙 80尋の1.5インチロープ作る 雨 スコール 雷鳴

August 18 37
AM Light winds with __ Squalls
at 4 Mod winds & Squally Weather
Received 284 LB of Fresh Beef & proportion of vegetables
Made 60 fathoms of 1 1/2 Inch & 80 fathoms of Inch
Sail Makers repairing the bending Sails

PM Mod Breezes and cloudy weather
Sail Makers, Coopers employed as before
During the night little wind with rain and lightning

野菜搭載 60尋の1.5インチロープ 80尋の1インチロープ SM マカオ滞在中連日の帆修理

August 19 at Anchor in the Broadway, Macau 38
AM Calm and fine Weather
at 5:30 Weighed & difficult with the Flood tide, via the Watering Bay, but finding the Ship near the mud bank on the East side of the Channel, carried the Ridge out & warped her to the West ward.
at 8 Anchored in 1 1/4 fathoms muddy bottom Sent the Cutter & Sauisech for Water Received 250 LB of Fresh Beef

PM Light airs from the West ward: Received 26 Butts of Water
Sail Makers employed as before
Bearings at 8 NW end of M__ S39E Summit of M___S61E. Ballust Island _ S39E to E3N
3 fathoms at low water
at Midnight Cloudy Weather

5時半出帆するも潮流に手を焼く 1.25尋泥濘に投錨

August 20
AM Light airs and cloudy Weather
Received 230 LB of Fresh Beef & a quantity of Vegetables
Employed Rattling the Rigging down Boats employed watering
Sail Makers repairing the Spanker.
at Noon Moderate Winds and cloudy Weather
Employed watering
Received 58 Butts of Water. P S__ and Raf_
During the night cloudy Weather with frequent Squalls

艤装作業 午後中ボート水補給作業 スコール夜通し

August 21 at Anchors 39
AM Moderate Breezes. Employed watering
Received 269 LB of Fresh Beef
Artificers employed as Yesterday
PM Light airs from the Eastward
Received P; Boats & Raft 40 Butts of Water
Shook 2 Butts to repair others
Squally appearance
Midnight Light airs & cloudy Weather


August 22
AM Light airs and cloudy Weather
Artificers employed as before
Received 288 LB of Fresh Beef
at Noon cloudy Weather
PM Constant heavy rains
Weather as before with thunder and lightning
at Midnight Weather more favorable


August 23 at Anchor in the Broadway, Macao 40
AM Light air and cloudy Weather
People employed washing
Carpenters repairing Water Casks
Sail Makers employed as before
PM Squally appearance from NE to NW
Warped the ship off into 4 fathoms
Received 288 LB of Fresh Beef and 8 Butts of Water. Hosited the Launch
at 7 heavy rain with thunder and lightning which continued till 1/2 __
Received 4 Pickle of Coals & 310 fathoms of 3 1/2 Inch Manilla Rope
Departed His life Edev Hales Dussnoscer
Midnight Cloudy Weather

at Anchor in the Broadway 洗浄作業に従事 石炭補給4Pickle 310尋の3.5インチマニラロープ Edev Hales 死亡

August 24 40
Fresh Breeze and squally weather with frequent showers
Completed the Water to 115 Tons
Sail Makers repairing the Foresail, making a New Lower Studdingsail
Sent the Body of deceased on shore to be Interment
People employed as __
Rope Makers employed
PM Strong Gales with frequent showers of Rain
Received 250 LB of Fresh Beef and a proportion of Vegetables
at Midnight heavy rains

SM新帆製作 死者を陸上に輸送 埋葬 ロープ製作 肉野菜搭載

August 25 at Anchor
AM Fresh Breezes with frequent squalls of Rain
Received 250 LB of Fresh Beef. Employed the Painting the outside of the Ship
Armories at work at the _
Received 2 Tons of Waters in small Casks
Sail Makers employed as before
PM Squally with Rain
Employed as before
at Midnight Dark cloudy Weather

船体塗装 製帆など諸作業

August 26 41
AM Squally with dizzying showers of Rain thunder & Lightning
(Wind South) Employed hugging the ship’s bottom
Brought up (with the Hog ) a tolerable quantity of Barnacles
Coopers employed
PM Cloudy __ Weather
at 1/2 past 1 Received 260 LB of Fresh Beef & proportions of vegetables
at 6 Received 2 Tons of Water _ Boats
at Midnight Cloudy Squally appearance

船底清掃 フジツボ除去(大量ではなかった)肉野菜搭載 水

August 27 Macao in the Broadway, Macao 42
AM Cloudy Weather with frequent showers of Rain
Employed hogging the Ship’s Bottom: Brought up with the long large quantity of shells & Barnacles フジツボ: P_ the L__ Boats(about 80 in numbers) carry into _ water a Chinese Junk & there discharge her Ballast: Prepared the boats for attacking
Sail Makers, Painters, Rope Makers employed
People employed cleaning the Ship
PM Moderate Breezes & cloudy with rain at Intervals
Received from Boats 2 Tons of Water & 268 LB of Fresh Beef
Cloudy with light showers of rain:
at Midnight Weather as above

in the Broadway 船底清掃 大量のフジツボ 80艘の子船を使って(以下不明)バラスト除去?SM Painter RM 全員で?船の清掃 肉と水

August 28 42
AM Moderate and cloudy W
Bent Sails: _ Topgallant Yards
Set up the Rigging Fore & Aft. Sail Makers employed making a lower Studding Sail
Opened a Cask of Spirits No 389, Contents 43 gallons- 81/2 Inches dry =7gallons from a __ hole in the ___of the Cask but by whom made not discovered
PM Moderate Breezes and cloudy Weather
Cloudy Weather with rain Intervals
at Midnight ,Hazy weather with showers of Rain, Thunder & lightning

SM 製帆作業 389番の酒樽を検査 7ガロン分が消失? 犯人わからず

August 29 at Anchor in 43
AM Light winds and fine weather: at day break: Saw the china Junk the Ladrones had captured yesterday off the West Point of Mintane in tow by the Ladrone: Weigh it ( or,_ attempted to weigh)but as she had too strong a hold in the ground, prepared to ship in doing which the cable parted about 25 fathoms from the Anchor. Made Sail: Backed & filled out. Observed the whole Fleet of Ladrones weigh and stored out , __ the Lamchou Islands: & several of them take her in Stow:
at 8 Passed to the Westward of the Black Rock, about a Cables length in 41/2 fathoms:
at 8:45 Passed the fishing Stakes. Filled & Tacked occasionally working out:
at 9:45 The Wind dyed away; Anchored in 3 3/4 fathoms
Cabarita P N35E Summit of Mintane N9E. Passage _ E10N
at 10 a light wind from the SW. Weighed & made all sail back again to the Anchorage, finding it impossible to Rescue the Junk from the Ladrones having towed her into shoal water:
at 1 PM The Ship quite ungovernable, the Ebb tide running so rapidly, anchored again in 4 1/4 fathoms opposite the Apom Islands: Got the Ship __ the right way & weighed wtih a light SW wind but with great difficulty her head was kept the right way although a fine fair breeze until 5 o’clock
at 5 Passed the Black Rock about 1/2 a Cable length to the Eastward in 4 1/2 & 5 1/2 fathoms
at 5:30 Anchored with the Best Bower nearly in our old birth:
Bearing as follows. Convent of St Clare E30N. West end of Mintane S28E
Received 260 LB of Fresh Beef. Carpenters employed fitting a timber __ & shifting a plank in the Lab B_

ジャンクラドロン島人に奪われる 記述長し 出帆するも風無く投錨 ジャンク救出できず 引き潮速く操船不能事態4尋地点に投錨 風出るも操船不可 肉搭載 大工作業

August 30
AM Light Winds and fine weather
Boat employed sweeping & ____ for the Anchor __ Buoy having _.
On _________: found one of the _ gone about 16 fathoms from where it parted
Received 260 Fresh Beef: Sail Makers employed as before.
PM Moderate Breeze and fine Weather

at 1:15 Weighed & made sail
Tacked occasionally working out of the Broadway
at Lunch Mintane Point (NW) NE 1 1/2 Miles Ship in 4 1/4 fathoms
at 1/2 pst 8 Weathered Mintane Point & __up for Malacca Roads.
at 10:30 Anchored in Macao Roads with the Best Bower in 5 1/4 fathoms.
Cabarita Point West 4 Miles
at Midnight Light Breezes and fine clear W

午前各作業 錨ブイ留め作業? 午後出帆 タック重ねてブロードウエイを出る マカオ泊地に投錨 5尋

August 31 off Macao 44
AM Light Breezes and fine Weather
Employed preparing for Sea
at 1/2 past 8 Weighed & made Sail: Stood out between the Islands into the L__ passage: Several Castle ___ working down:
at 9:30 P__to the Southward of S?T?arncock in 5 fathoms;, then __ gradually to 6 or 8 fathoms. Saw the Company Ship Discovery & Antelope to the SE ward at Anchor: Shifted the Small Bower Cable.
at Noon, Moderate Breezes and cloudy Weather __ EN
West Extreme of Santou North: Ship in 8 1/2 fathoms Water on Board 114 1/2 Tons
22.00. N 113.52 E The Same as specified above in the __ of Occurrences

PM Moderate Breezes and hazy Weather
at1 PM Shortened Sail & hove too for the Discovery’s boat
at 1:30 Made Sail again
at 4 Moderate Winds and cloudy Weather
at 5:30 Mustered at Quarters & __ Reefed the Topsails
at 6 Lynting Island N 76W about 2 Miles: Afses Ears S37W
East end of the Great Leina E7S Lamma Island N12E Ship in 13 1/2 fathoms
at 8 Light airs and clear Weather
All Sail set
at Midnight Ditto W. East end of the Great Leema SWS3

出航準備作業 8時出航 東インド会社のディスカバリー号とアンテロープ号投錨中を見る 1時ディスカバリー号のボートのためヒーブツー 1時30分出帆 5時半呼集 航海順調 8時全帆展張 

September 1 from Macao 45
AM Light Breezes
at day light Cloudy Weather; The Great Leema WSW50
East Extreme NEN Pedro Blanco in sight from the W
Head Bearing EN1/2N Set out 1st reefs
(at 5)Sail Makers making the Spanker Carpenters repairing the Yawl
at 8 Moderate & fine Weather
Punished Rob Hanson(Marine) with 18 lashes for thefts; The Roberts (M) with 3 dozen lashes & Lewis Martin (Seaman) with 2 dozen for neglect of duty.
at 10 Pedro Blanco Rock NE1/2N 5 or 6Miles
Gunners employed making Grape _ of Musket balls for the Launches Carronade
at Noon Light airs Pedro Blanco N32W Extremes of the Chinese Coast from N28W to N32E
Course EbN 55 Miles 22.11N 22.15N 114.40E 115.15E Current N81E 30 Miles
Bearings at Noon Pedro Blanco Rock N32E 5 or 6 Miles

PM Light Breezes & fine Weather. All Sail set
at 4 Light Breezes and cloudy W
Mustered at Quarters, & Single reefed the Topsails.
at Sunset, very hazy over the Land: no port seen
at 8 Light airs & fine clear W. Sounded in 24 fathoms
at Midnight D.W all Sail set. Sounded in 12 fathoms

SM 大工作業 Rob Hanson海兵 鞭打ち刑18(窃盗)  Roberts海兵鞭打ち刑36 Lewis Martin水兵鞭打ち刑 24(職務怠慢) 砲手はカロネード砲の葡萄弾作りに従事 深夜全帆展張 12尋

September 2 towards Japan Islands
AM Light Breezes and cloudy Weather
at 4 Light airs & clear W. Sounded as P Margin.
at daybreak, Saw a Chinese Junk to NE Very hazy in NE Quarters no land seen.
Found 1 Butt of Water leaked out
at 8 The wind veered to WNW. Shifted the Studding Sails over
at 9 Wind veered again to North, hauled in all theStudding Sails : Drizzling Rain: Artificers employed as before
at 11:30 The wind veered again to WNW. Set Studding Sails
at Noon Squally appearance from South to SW
Water Expended 2 Tons: Remaining 111 Tons
Course N12E 80 Miles 22.30N-22.38N 117.22-28E Current S81E 40 Miles Bearings at Noon Lameek Island P Chart North 11 leagues

PM Light variable winds & hazy Weather
at 2:30 Wind P Margin
(at 3 ) Carpenters repairing the Yawl
at 4 __ Sounded 21 fathoms _ Sand
at 5:30 Mustered at Quarters. _in 1st reefs of the Topsails
Inclining to rain:Sounding in 22 fathoms
at 8 Calm and fine clear W: Sounded in 25 fathoms
27 __ 94
at 10 light wind from ESE
at Midnight Steady Breezes and fine clear Weather

夜明けジャンク望見 靄でコーターから陸地見えず 水樽漏れ発見 風頻繁に変わる 大工Yawl手漕ぎボート修理 5時半呼集 21尋  25尋

September 3 47
AM Fine Steady Breezes and clear Weather
at 2 Sounded in 24 fathoms
at day break, Saw Small Islands, supposed to be ____ Islands:
Sounded in 22 fathoms, sandy bottom.
at 3/4 past 5 The Islands bore from N8W to N40W. Estimated distance
4 or 5 leagues. Found 1 Butt of Water leaked out.
at 8 Light Winds and fine clear Weather. Washed the Lower deck.
Gunners employed quilting grape for the Carronade in the Launch.
23 Sail Makers making the Spanker Rope Makers making small lines: Coopers making buoys for the Anchors:
at 10 ___ Islands bore West 1 1/2 Mile Sounded occasionally
at Noon Tacked Ship in 23 fathoms.
Water Expended 2 Tons: Remaining 109 Tons
Course N30E 53 Miles 23.22N 23.35N 117.5E 117.47E Current S73E 44 Miles
Bearing at Noon Chapel Isle or the hole in the Wall N40E 64 Miles

PM Light Winds and fine clear Weather
___ out 1st reeds
Mustered at Quarters: In 1st reefs of the Topsails.
at Sunset the Extremes of the Chinese Coast from N to N10W
The Largest Lamock Island N to 5 W 3 or 4 leagues
Tacked Ship
at 8 Light Winds & fine clear W
at 8.15 Obseved the Moons Nearest distance from the Star Asctau East of _ Moon & West of Meridian as follows Longitude 118.20 East
25 at 9 Calm
19 at 11 a light breeze from the Northward
at Midnight Fine clear Weather

24尋 5時島まで5リーグ ロワーデッキ洗浄 砲手 ランチ用のカロネード砲キルト葡萄弾作りSM製帆RM細紐樽職人錨用のブイ製作作業 正午タック23尋水2トン消費 呼集 月で測位 9時無風 

September 4
AM Light Winds & fine clear Weather
at 2 Set the Mainsail
at day break light variable Winds and fine Weather: Swell from the SSE Land insight from the Mast head bearing NW
at 8 Mod Breeze and cloudy Weather
at 9:30 Shortened Sail & set up the Main & Mizen Topmast Rigging
at 10:30 Made sail again
Mustered at divisions & P Open __ Open何なのか?
at Noon light variable airs
Water expended 11/2 Tons Remaining 1071/2 Tons
Course S82E 37 Miles 23.32N 23.34N. 118.26E 118.31E Current None

PM light airs from Eastward
Carpenters repairing the Yards
at 2 _ and made all Sail
at 3 Set S sails
at Ditto W(weather)
at 5:30 Mustered at Quarters
Calm In Studding Sails
at 8
at 10 light airs from _ made all sail
at midnight light winds with a swell from SE

うねりSSE 11時総員点呼Mustered at divisions 昼東風 大工Yard修理 2時全帆展張 コーターデッキ点呼

September 5
AM Light airs and cloudy Weather
at 4 Ditto Weather
at day break Saw 2 China Junks Standing to the Northern
at 6 Calm
at 8 light air from NNW Set TopGallant StuddingSails
Caulkers employed caulking the yawl
SailMakers Carpenters employed as before
Executed Small Arms by firing at the Target
at Noon Cloudy Weather to the Southward with a swell from the SE quarter. Water expended 11/2 Tons Remaining 106 Tons
Course N48E 20 Miles 23.50N 23.49N. 118.50E 119.04E Current N60E 17 Miles
Bearings at Noon ___

PM Moderate Breeze and cloudy Weather
at 1 the breeze freshened? from NW Set all the Studding Sails
Stayed the Fire Mast & set up the Fore & Fore TopMast Rigging
at 4 In Stashed Main TopMast StuddingSail
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters Avast(やめ、の号令) number of China Junks insights
at 8 Steady Breeze and fine W
at 1/2 past 9 Wind veered to the Northward, In Lower StuddingSail Cloudy Weather
at 1/2 past 11 NW wind very variable, In all Studdingsails and Braed shorp up
at Midnight D Weather

夜明け2艘のジャンク望見 6時無風 ボート修理 製帆作業 標的への小火器演習 昼うねり呼集 ジャンク多数望見 よる風向き不定

September 6 towards the Japan Isles
AM Heavy showers of Rain
at day light__ China Junks insights, some standing towards us & some to the Eastwards toward Formosa, light variable winds & rather cloudy in the NE. The Weather apparently set in very fair with the full Moon: Mounted the Carronade in the Launch積載小艇 and fitted the Slide: Carpenters repairing Masts & Yards for the Boats. Gunners employed as before Exercised a division of small Arms. Rope Makers making small lines: Coopers making buoys for the Anchors: Caulkers caulking詰め物で塞ぐ the Yawl 船載用小型手こぎボート: Painters marking the Hammock Numbers on the lower deck: Swell from the SE
at 10.30 Saw the high Land of Formosa, bearing SEE
at 11.30 Tacked Ship
at Noon Squally appearance SW Water expended 11/2 Tons, Remaining 1041/2 Tons
Course N43E. 62 Miles 24.40N 24.34N 119.48E 120.13E Current S70E 20 Miles

PM Light winds and cloudy at times
Aired ship’s Companies Bedding?
at 4.30 Tacked ship, Extremes of Formosa from S30E to S75E off _ 5 or 6 leagues Variable? __
at 8 Fresh Breezes and fine clear Weather
at 8 PM Observed the Moons distance from Aquila: w_ of _ Moons & Meridian; as follows
at 8.45 Latitude by Aquila 24.58.53N Longitude 120.17E of Greenwich
Sounded occasionally: fine _ & wind.
at 11.30 Saw the Coast of China & 2 small Islands sight _ 5 or 6 Miles
at Midnight Moderate and cloudy at Intervals

ジャンク台湾方向などあちこちへ 風向き不定 満月による天候?カロネード砲ランチへ据え付け 小火器演習 全職多忙 ペインターはロワーデッキのハンモックナンバー付け うねり10時半台湾の高地目視 4時距離6リーグ 11時半 海岸と小島を5マイルに見る

September 7
AM Light Breezes __ cloudy at times
at 4 Moderate Breeze and fine Weather
at 8 Saw Formosa bearing S12E to S60E
Cloudy Weather in the SW & SE Executed Great Guns & Small Arms Fired 2 rounds from one of the Carronades on the Quarter Deck to _ the Goon _ & Torc look, & carried away the G_ neck _ 2nd round
Lashed all the Carronade slides to the side.
at Noon, Moderate Breezes and fine Weather.
Water Expended 11/2Tons: Remaining 103 Tons
Course N43E 47 Miles 25.9N 25.12N 120.40E 120.41E Currents N60E 8 Miles
Bearings at Noon ____

PM Moderate Winds & fine Weather
(at 5) Mustered at Quarters
at 6 Calm and cloudy Weather NW Point of Formosa S59E 4 or 5 leagues Western Extremes S35W
at 8 a light air from SSE Hazy Weather
at midnight light winds and fine Weather No bottoms with 40 fathoms(横欄に注記)

8時 台湾望見 大砲小火器コーターデッキカロネード2発発射訓練 カロネードを並べて固縛 コーター呼集

September 8 toward the Japan Isles
AM Fine Steady Breeze and clear Weather
Shifted the Studdingsails over
at 4 Steady Breeze & cloudy Weather all sails set
(at 6) Moderate Breeze & cloudy W No bottoms with 40 fathoms
at 8 D W Mustered Ships company & Divisions
Carpenters repairing the Boats: Sail Makers repairing the Main Topsail
at Noon Moderate Breeze & cloudy Weather
Water Expended 11/2 Tons Remaining 1011/2 Tons
Course N30E 94 Miles 2_.40N 26.27N 124.49E 124.59E Current N27E 22 Miles
Bearing at Noon Nanganki(ママ)Japan N57E 582 Miles
PM Steady Breeze and Hazy Weather
at 4 D Weather
at 5.43 Mustered at Quarters
at 6 light showers of rain, with lightning to the Southward. In Studding sails, Staysails, & Royals
at 8.30 In Topgallant Sails, Mainsail & __ Light squalls with heavy rain thunder and lightning
at 9.30 Squally W with heavy rain, thunder an lightning, wind shifting from NNE to NNW in the Squalls: Took in 3rd reefs of the Fore & Main Topsails; and close reefed the Mizen Topsail ___down the Royal Yards & Stretch the Masts
at 12 Moderate and cloudy Weather with drizzling rain

4時全帆展張 40尋届かず 8時総員点呼 ボート修理 長崎の方位と距離582海里表示(総員点呼で目的地明示か) 夕より風雨激しい帆を順次畳む

September 9
AM Calm and cloudy Weather with drizzling rain at Intervals
at 4 a light air from the Northward
at 6 Set out 3rd reefs: Moderate Winds with drizzling rain
at 8 Strong Breezes with rain; Got the Flying Lib boom in: Employed fitting grapes from the Beams: Sail Makers & C employed
at 11 heavy gales: In 3rd reefs of Fore & Main Topsails & close reefed the Mizen Topsail: _? the Mainsail: Sent Topgallant yards down & Stretch the Masts
at Noon ____ Ship. Set the Main Staysail
Water expended 11/2 Tons Remaining 100 Tons
Course N66E 77 Miles ____ 27.19N 123.15E Bearings at Noon Nagasaki(Japan) N49E 510 Miles

PM Moderate Breeze & cloudy Weather
at 3.50 Set the Mainsail & hauled down the Main Staysail
at 4 D Weather
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
Bent the _ sail & set in? Prepared to stretch Lower Yards & Top Masts
Moderate Winds
(at 8) Weather clear at Intervals
at Midnight Cloudy W: Moor ship

8時より強風11時に暴風heavy gale帆を畳みヤード下ろす 長崎510海里 午後MBに メンスル展張 コーター呼集 夜 時に晴れ間も

September 10 toward Japan Isles
Fresh Breeze & cloudy Weather
(at 4) 53 fathoms Rocky bottom
(at 7) Fine Steady Breezes: Reduced the allowance of Water to 6 Tins per Man P dim.
Carpenters repairing the Cutter小艇 Sail Makers repairing the main Topsail: Took the _ sail in.
Set the Spanker Reefs
Sound 60 at Noon Fine Steady Breezes & cloudy Weather. Tacked ship
Water Expended 1 Ton Remaining 99 Tons
Course North 18 Miles 27.38N 27.38N 123.15E 123.123/4E Bearings at Noon Nagasaki(Japan) N51E 501 Miles or 167 Leagues
PM Fine Steady Breezes
(at 3) Artificers employed as in the Forenoon 午前
(at 4) Mustered at Quarters
(at 8)45(fathoms) Fine sand & mud
(at 9) Steady Breezes and clear Weather
at Midnight Weather the same as above

53尋海底堅い 水支給節減(6杯)消費量1トンに/日 カッター修理 メンスル修理 長崎167リーグ 4時呼集

September 11
AM Moderate Winds and cloudy Weather
at 12.10 In Spanker to repair
38(fathoms) at 3/4
at 4 Sounded in 38 fathoms, sandy bottom
at 8 __ the Moons distance from the Sim as follows
Fresh Winds & Fine W Longitude deduced 123.11E
at 20m past 9 Tacked ship. Sail Makers repairing the Main Topsail. Mustered Ships Company & Divisions
at noon, Moderate and cloudy Weather
Water Expended 1 Ton Remaining 98 Tons
Course N58W 39 Miles 28.7N 27.57N 122.32E 122.42E/123.00E Current None
Bearing at Noon Quelpert Island S.port N33E 366 Miles

PM Fresh Winds: Squally appearance
at 3 More favorable Fidded Topgallant Masts the Yards
at 3.30 Set the Sails
at 4.30 Saw a cluster of Islands & part of China Coast from the Mast head bearing NW
(36) at Sunset the Southernmost of this cluster of Islands,bore NW W3/4 W. About 5 leagues distant & the Northernmost seen off Deck NW 1/4 N. One Island seen from the lower yards about SW.
Squally appearance: at 6.30 Tacked ship
In Topgallant Sails & Spanker.
at 9 Moderate set then? again
(42)Light Winds & dark cloudy Weather with drizzling rain at Intervals

38尋砂底 月で測位 メンスル修理続く 総員点呼 水消費1トン マストから中国海岸望見

September 12
AM Light Breezes and fine clear Weather
(40) Sandy bottom (at 2)
(at 4) 40 Cloudy Weather: Moor ship
at 7 Saw the same 2 Islands that were seen the preceding days from the Mast head WN.
at 8 Fresh Breezes and hazy Weather. Exercised the 4th Divisions of Small Arms.
at 10 The Islands to be seen off the Deck bearing S80W 5 or 6 leagues 檣頭から見えて3時間後
Longitude by Mean of our Chronometers is 122.23 E. But having no M__ Observation this day and not so correctly __ their Latitude, __ 28.40N cannot be much out.
at Noon, Saw a long range of Islands from S39W to N16W. The largest of which boreWest: A small cluster of 6 or 7 bearing N49W 4 or 5 leagues
Water Expended 1 Ton & 180 galls Remaining 96.60 Tons
Course N28W 53 Miles 28.50N 122.4E 122.20.15 Quelput Island South Port N39E 333 Miles
The above mentioned range of Islands lay nearly South & South of each other & stretch from 28.40 N to 30 Northern__

at 1 Tacked ship
at 3 Set Topgallant Sails (Studding) at 3.30 In D Fresh Breezes & hazy Weather with drizzling rain Swell from the SEward
at 6 Several of the Islands insight from the Mast head & one insight from the Deck bearing N42W: Dark cloudy W approaching to Calm
(35) at 7 Calm, thick hazy Weather
at 9 a light breeze from NW
at Midnight, light winds & dark cloudy Weather

小島望見 小火器射撃訓練 7時にマストで見えた島が10時にデッキで見える距離6リーグ 島多し うねり 夕刻より風弱まる 靄

September 13
AM Light Winds and dark cloudy W
(at 2 or 3) Found 1/2 Butt of Water leaked out (35fathoms)
at daybreak Set the Fore Top Mast & Topgallant Studding Sails
Dark hazy Weather with drizzling Rain: A Long Swell from the ESE
Artificers employed as before
at 10 In TopMast & Topgallant Studding sails
at Noon; Drizzling rain, Swell from ESE
No Obs Observation? Water Expended 1Ton 60 gall Remaining 95 Tons
Course ENE 19? 69? Miles 29.13N 123.13E Current None Bearings at Noon Nagasaki(Japan) N60E 438 Miles

PM Light airs with drizzling Rain
Artificers employed as before
at Sunset Squally appearance all around the horizon
at 8.30 Heavy rain; the wind varied to the Southward & felt calm 40
Up Mainsail
at 10 In TopGallant Sails
40 at Midnight a light breeze from the Northward

2時樽水漏れ発見 大うねり小雨 長崎438海里 日没時全周スコール 豪雨 夜 北風

September 14 toward the Japan Islands
AM Light airs from the SE ward
Made Sail at 9.40 AM Observed the Moons distance from the Sun as follows Log 123.59E
39 Muddy bottom
at 4 Calm Heard round? the Compass Calm
at 5 Light airs; shifting all the Compass
at 7 Steady Breeze from the North: Tacked ship
Sent Royal Masts up
Exercised Great Guns & small arms: Fired one of the Carronade on the Quarter
deck13 times & found the lashing to __the__
at 10.45 Tack Winds, In T gallant Sails
at Noon, Fine clear Weather: Swell from the SW ward
Water expended 1 Ton: Remaining 94 Tons
Course N74E 47 Miles 29.26N 29.40N 124.4E 124.15E Current N40E 20 Miles Bearings at Noon Nagasaki(Japan) N60E 384 Miles

PM Fine Steady Breezes & Pleasant Weather
at 2 Set T Gallant Sails
at 4 Weather as the __t of the A__
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
at Sunset, cloudy _ the horizon; no observation for __ or Azimuth
at 8.30 Latitude by Meridian attitude of the Polar Star 29.38N
at 9 Latitude by the Meridian attitude of Deneb in the Swan’s tail 29.39N
Fine clear Weather; with a little Swell from the SE ward

月と太陽で測位 7時北風 タック ロイヤルマスト上げる 大砲小火器に加えカロネード砲も13発射撃 水1トン消費に減る 長崎384海里 コーター呼集

September 15
AM Moderate Wind and fine clear Weather
Found 1/2 Butt of Water leaked out
at day break, Weather as before at 4h 51.21 Longitude Observed by the ____125.42E of the Greenwich & Lat. by Meridian 29.53N
Punished Robert Anson(Marine) with dozen lashes for theft & George Morris(Seaman) with 2 dozen for Insolence to his Superior officer
At 7.40 Observed as follows このあとの記述=位置測定、解読したい
Mustered Ships Company __
Sail Makers Rope Makers employed
at Noon Fine Steady Breezes and clear Weather
Water Expended 11/2 Tons, Remaining 92 3/4
Course N77E 132 Miles Latitude 30.00N 30.10N 126.43E 126.28E Current S57W drift 18 Miles Bearings at Noon Nagasaki(Japan) N51.30E distant 277 Miles

PM Light Winds and fine Weather
Unbend the New Main Topsail to a_; being too large
Bent the old Main Topsail, & set it
Finished the repair of the Large Cutter & hoisted the Small Cutter in to repair
at 3.30 Made sail
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters:
Fine clear W
at Midnight Weather as above; Tried for Sounding, no bottom with 50 fathoms of Line

連日水漏れ発見 Robert Anson海兵盗みで12回鞭打ち George Morris水兵 士官侮辱24回鞭打ち 8時総員点呼製帆製索作業 長崎277海里 大型カッター修理完了小型カッター修理開始 コーター呼集

September 16 towards the Japan islands
AM Fine Weather
at day light Cloudy to the Eastward: Tried for Soundings, no bottom with 35 fathoms
at 7.20 Set out the 2nd reef of the Mizen Topsail
Sail Makers repairing the Main Topsail; Carpenters repairing the Boats
Light Variable winds and fine calm Weather
Water Expended 1 Ton, Remaining 91 3/4 Tons
Course N62E 57 Miles 30.29N 30.27N 127.26E 127.42E Current N83E drift 10 Miles
Bearings at Noon Nagasaki N47E Distant 210 Miles

PM Calm. Swayed the Lower Yards up.
Lowered the Cutter, to feat on a sheet of Copper under the Bows
at 3 a light breeze from the NE
Mustered at Quarters; Took in 2nd reefs of the Topsails
Shortened Sail to the Topsail & Topgallant Sails
at 7 Sounded in 87 fathoms
Fine clear W with very little wind
73 fathoms Sandy bottom
at Midnight Weather as above

帆目トップスルの修理 ボート修理 風不定弱い水1トン長崎210海里 カッターを下ろし船底に銅の貼り付け コーター呼集 風弱い

September 17
AM Gentle Breezes and fine Weather
at 4 Calm: C_ Royal Yards
at 6 a light breeze from the Eastward
at 8 Gentle Breezes Wind varying to the Southward
Employed washing the Lower Deck
Artificers employed as before
at Noon Weather much as in the Morning
Water expended 1 Ton; Remaining 90 3/4 Tons
Course N8E 23 Miles 31.00N 30.52N 127.46E 127.52E Current N37E 10 Miles
Bearings at Noon Nagasaki N52E 185 Miles

PM Light Winds inclining to Calm
Got 6 Inches of the Main Rigging & 3 of the Mizen
The rigging is now in exceeding good order & fit for __ Weather
at 6 Mustered at Quarters; double reefed the Topsails & lowered the Topgallant Sails
Hove too: Main Topsail to the Mast
at 8 Latitude Observed by the Polar Star 31.18N
Fine Pleasant Weather
at Midnight Sounding in 79 fathoms; Sand & Mud

風弱い 下甲板洗浄 水1トン 長崎185海里 午後も風弱い リギング ?天候に耐える精度 6時コーター呼集 8時北極星で測位 好天

September 18
AM Fine Pleasant Weather
at 4 Sounded in 85 fathoms, Sand & Mud
at day-break, Fine clear W. Set the 2nd reefs of the Topsails
at 8 Hove Ship: Sounded in 80 fathoms; Fine Sand
Sail Makers & C employed as before
at 10 Saw an Island bearing NE 9 or 10 leagues
Mustered Ship’s Comp & _ Divisions & Open list?
at 11.45 Hove Ship & Stood to the Eastward. At Noon, The A_ Ears boreN44E: about 10 leagues.
Water Expended 1 Ton, Remaining 89 3/4 Tons
Course N26E 16 Miles 31.38N 31.17N 127.35E 127.31E Current N38E 27 Miles
Bearings at Noon Nagasaki N62 3/4E Dist. 161 Miles

PM Fresh Breezes; varying from West to North
at 1/2 past 1 altered Course __ Margin
at 1/2 past 3 The Center of the Islands(bearing 3 in N) low NE distant 4 or 5 leagues: Hauled to the wind on the Starboard Tack & made Sail: Dark gloomy Weather: at 5 Squally S__ Sail again.
at 6 Mustered at Quarters: Took in the Courses and In? Double reefed the Topsails: The A_ Ears bearing EN 6 or 7 leagues
at 1/2 past 9 The Winds shifted from WNW to SW ___
At Midnight, gloomy Weather: Hove too.

好天 4時85尋砂泥 ヒーブツーで80尋 帆修理大工作業 10時島望見 総員点呼 水1トン長崎161海里 西風から北風へ 午後から天候悪化 夜中ヒーブツー

September 19
AM Fine clear Weather
at 2 Moor? Ship and hove too, on the Labored Tack:
Tried for soundings; no bottom with 70 fathoms of line
at 4 Tried for soundings; no bottom with 70 fathoms.
at day-light, The A_Ears E1/2 N 6 or 7 leagues
at 7.20 Filled & Stood to the SW.
Punished Josh Martin(seaman) with 24 lashes for drunkenness & Insolence.
at 8 The Islands, from N73E, to N76E about 7 leagues distance
Light passing Squalls with drizzling rain
Unbent the old Mn Topsail & bent the New one.
at Noon, Fine pleasant Weather
Water expended 1 Ton, Remaining 88 3/4 Tons
Course N81W 20 Miles 31.43N 31.41N 127.28E 127.36E Current Not obtained
Bearings at Noon A_ Ears N63E Dist. 51 Miles

PM Fine Weather: The wind passed to the Northward & blow very strong with light showers of rain
at 4.30 Backed the Main Topsail
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters: Took in 3rd reefs of the Topsails.
Hazy W. with rain at Intervals; the wind gradually varying _ to the NE ward.
S__ to under __ reefed Topsails.
This Evening James Stuart( Seaman) in the act of aloft to reef Topsails fell overboard & was apparently drowning when Tom Dar(Boatswains mate?) jumped after him with a rope to haul him in with & succeededu in getting to the unfortunate Man with the rope but in the attempt of hauling him in the rope _ & the Man instantly descended. During this Interval a boat was lowered down, & _ possible actions made to save the sufferers: Picked up the Boatswains Mate & hoisted the boat up.
Sent down Royal Masts & Topgallant Yards.
Strong Winds and fine clear Weather.
T__ the Guns for bad Weather.

70尋海底に届かず 7時島望見7リーグ 満帆 Josh Martin水兵 24回の鞭打ち酩酊無礼 小雨通過 水1トン 北風強く雨も 夕刻落下事故発生=強風の影響か 悪天候に備え砲を(?)する

September 20 towards the Japan Isles
AM Strong Breezes and squally Weather.
Set the Storm Staysails.
Steady Breezes and fine Weather. The Weather apparently set in very fair with the New Moon.
Sail Makers repairing the Main Topsail.
__ wind; Swell continuing from the NE ward
at Noon, Fresh Winds; rather cloudy to the Westward
Tried for Sounding & gained in 50 fathoms muddy bottoms.
Water Expended 1 Ton. Remaining 87 3/4 Tons.
Course S70W 25 Miles 31.32N 31.34N 127.8E 126.47E Current S& Western 22 Miles
Bearing at Noon N68E Dist. 90 Miles

PM Light Breezes and cloudy W
A_ , Ship’s Company’s Bedding
at 3 Filled & Set the Foresail & Jib.
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
at Sunset, Fine Weather 64(fathoms)
at 10 Up _sail & down Jib
at Midnight Weather as above
Found that cluster of Islands commonly? call
Limack Leena, or A_ Ears, _ incorrectly laid down in the Charts: By our best Chronometer the Middle Island, or that resembling the A_Ears, lies in 128.18East of Greenwich, & Latitude by Meridian Observed 32.1N

ストーム ステイスル展帆 新月で天候鎮まる?メンスル修理 北東からのうねり高し 水1トン 潮流速22海里 海図の間違い発見

September 21
AM Calm; Fine clear Weather
at 3.30 a light air from _
at daybreak Calm and cloudy Weather. Set the 3rd reefs out
at 6 A light Breezes from SW with a little rain: Set the Fore Sail
___ a Chinese boat floating past: lowered a boat & towed it alongside but finding there was no utility in keeping it. did what was very natural to suppose: — has it go adrift again.
Calm and cloudy Weather; _ appearance of rain in the NE & NW. Exercised Great Guns & Small Arms. During the time of Exercising felt a most un_able motion in the Ship and unlike touching a shoal浅瀬, but this cannot possibly? be a_signed as the cause as the water was perfectly clear and sounding to be _ with 70 fathoms: At Noon Calm, and clear Weather
Course S74E 18 Miles 31.21N 31.28N 127.7E 127.11E Current
Bearings at Noon Yses Ears N61E Distant 62 Miles

PM Variable Winds with drizzling rain
Rope Makers employed
at 5 Weather as above
Mustered at Quarters
at 6 Calm
at 7 __ back by a light Winds from the Northward accompanied with rain
at 8 Sounded in 55 fathoms
at 1/2 past 8 Squall: Shortened Sail: At 8 This Evening felt a similar shock in the Ship to that experience this Forenoon: Tried for Sounding immediately but could not gain any with 40 fathoms.
This remarkable Phenomenon cannot possibly be attributed (with greater possibility) to anything but loosens of the Rudder _ or _ys.
at Midnight Fresh Breezes and cloudy W. Sounded in 55 fathoms Hove Ship.

漂流中国船(無人?)調べるも何もないのでまた流す 大型砲小火器発射訓練、訓練中船体動揺70尋 製索作業 コーター呼集夕 再び船体揺れる即座に測深40尋 舵の緩みか

September 22 towards the Japan Isles
AM Squally with Rain at Intervals
at 2 Sounded in 63 fathoms, Sandy bottoms
at 4 Sounded in 68 fathoms: Sandy bottoms
Fresh Gales; and fine Weather
at 8 Weather as before; altered Course as P Margin
at 1/2 past 9 Set the Foresail & altered the Course as P Margin
Mustered Ship, Company P Divisions. Sail Makers repairing the Main Topsail
at Noon Weather more moderate
Water expended 1 Ton, Remaining 85 3/4 Tons
Course N47E 23 Miles 31.51N 31.45N 127.28E 127.12E Current N73W 21 drift
Bearings at Noon Nagasaki(Japan) N71 1/2E 232 Miles distance

PM Fresh Winds and fine clear Weather
Set the Main Course
at 3 Saw the Ayes Ears from the Mast head bearing about EN
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters & at 5.50 Hove Ship
Shortened Sail
at Sunset the Ayes Ears from E1N to E4N 8 or 9 leagues
Variation Per Amplitude 1.00 West
at 8 Fine clear W Latitude by Meridional attitude of the Star Aquila 31.59N & by the Star Deneb 山羊座?(In the S_ Sail) 31.59.30N
Fine clear Weather
at Midnight Weather as before; Sounded as Per Margin

総員点呼 メイントップスル修理 昼に朝の強風弱まる水1トン長崎232海里 コーター呼集Aquilaで測位

September 23 Cruising
AM Fresh Winds and fine Weather
at 4 Tried for Soundings; no bottom with 60 fathoms
at 6 Saw the Ayses Ears from the Mast head bearing EN
Shook? out the 3rd reefs of the Topsails
Unbent the New Foresail & Main Topsail & bent the old ones.
Sail Makers employed altering the Foresail & Main Topsail.
at 10.30 Squally with light showers of rains
at Noon Fresh Winds and clear Weather
The Latitude & Longitude by Observe differing so little from that by account;
Course East 8 Miles 31.50N 31.51N 127.20E 127.22E Current None
Bearings at Noon Ayes Ears N16E Distant 50 Miles

PM Moderate Winds and fine Weather
at 4 Weather as above, Artificers employed as before
Mustered at Quarters
Fine Weather
at 8 Lightning in the NE & SE
at 8.10 Ob the Meridian attitude of the Aquila to be 66.24 Latitude 32.2N
Cloudy Weather with Rain
at Midnight Weather the same; no bottom with 60 fathoms

4時60尋で届かず フォアスルとメンスル交換 時にスコール コーター呼集 8時東方に雷光

September 24
AM and cloudy weather
Constant heavy rain from Midnight till before 5
heavy squalls
at past 4 lowered the Topsails
at 5.30 Weather moderate; hoisted the Topsails
7 Squalls with shower of rain
8 Sailmakers repaired the Topsail Main Topsail
9 Fine Weather
at Noon a light squall with rain
Water expended 1 Ton Remaining 83 85? Tons
31 40 N 31 38N 127 18E 127 21E Current None

PM Steady Breeze and fine Weather
at 4.30 Saw the Ayses Ears ENE
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
at 7.20 ___ the Moon distance from the ______ east of Moon and Meridian as follows
at 7.40 same _______ altitude of the Aquila to lo 66.36 Latitude 31.51N
at 8 __ ship Moderate Breeze and fine Weather Lightning in the NW __
at Midnight Moderate Breeze and fine Weather Tried for soundings as bottoms 55 fathoms

深夜より早朝まで豪雨  トップスル下げ上げ 時折のスコール続く 帆の修理作業 水1トン 午後晴れる この1週間近くAyres Ears島周辺 コーター呼集測深55

September 25 Cruising off
AM Light Breeze and fine clear Weather
at 4 Sounded 72 fathoms muddy bottom Lightning to the westward
Fair clear Weather
at 30 past 10 Coopers Topgallant Yards
Mustered P Divisions
Exercised making and Shortening Sail
at Noon Fine clear Weather Water expended 1 Tons Remaining 82 Tons
31 36 N 31 41N 127 9 E 127 11 E Aquila 127 35 East Current None Ayles Ears N60E Distant 59 (39?) miles
PM Light Breeze and fine Weather
at 2.20 Saw the Ayles Ears from the Masthead ______ about East_N
at 2.30 __ at
as follows 位置の計算
ay Sunset
Ayles Ears East and High Island East
at 6.30 ____
at 7 24 42 _ the Moon ___ from the *Aquila
_____________________127.31 E
Latitude by ____ of the *Aquila 32.00N
ay Midnight Light Breeze and cloudy Weather

快晴 測深72 ヤード修理 総員点呼 帆の展張縮帆練習 水1トン残82トン 終日Ayres Earsをマストから見る

September 26
AM Moderate Breeze; fine clear Weather
at 4 tried for Soundings; no bottom with 70 fathoms of Lines
at daylight __ Ayles Ears; East about 12 leagues
at 7.30 W__ Ship and folded the Royal Masts _ the Yards
at 9.30 Made all sail: Sailmakers repaired the Mizen TopSail
at 10.30 _____
AT Noon, Light winds and fine Weather. The Ayles Ears from 66N to East
______________________ Water Expended 1 Tons Remaining 81 Tons
Course N52E 54 Miles 32 00 N 32 9 N 127.58E

PM Moderate Breeze and fine Weather
at 2 past 3 Moor ship Extremes of __ Islands from E to E70S_
and from __ __ Ayles Ears _ at 5 Miles: High Land in sight NE
6 Mustered at Quarters: Shortened Sail
at Sunset the Islands __ from E10N to E 6 __ 6 leagues
9 Light winds and cloudy Weather
Weather as above; no bottom with 80 _

快晴 70尋届かずAyres Ears東12リーグ(X4.8=58キロ)  帆の修理 日中穏やかな天候続く 6時コーター呼集

September 27 Cruise off
AM Light __ winds and cloudy Weather
at 4 Set the __ Moor Ship
at daylight Fine Weather. The Islands from E /2N to East 9 or 10 leagues
at 8. 30 Tacked Ship; C__ Royal Yards
Unbent the New Mizen Topsails and bent the __
Exercised a division of small arms
at 9 made all Sail. at 10.30 Squally and lowered Sail
at Noon Light air; __ Island E_N High island E_S about 9 leagues: Three small islands seen from the Mast head __ NNE Water expended 1 Ton Remaining 80 3/4 Tons
Course __W 14 Miles 32.2 N 32.9N 127.38E 127.40E Current S16E 7 miles drift Ayles Ears East distant 30 miles

PM Gentle Breezes and __ __ Weather
____ ____ of the TopMast & TopGallant Rigging
at _past 3 Made Sail, a _ Breeze from NE
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
at 6 Shortened sail to the Topsails & sent down Royal Yards & stuck the Masts
Light Winds from
At Midnight cloudy Weather

夜明けは晴れ 帆の修理 小火器の演習 スコールあり 3小島マストから見える 水1トン残80.75 5時半コーター呼集

September 28
AM Cloudy Weather with light airs
at 4 Sounded in 75 fathoms: Tacking to Calm
at daylight Cloudy Weather _________ Yards
6 or 7 Exercised Great Guns and small arms
Cloudy in _ ___ quarters
at 10 Saw a large Island bearing NNW 12 or 13 leagues
At Noon Light winds: Saw _ Island from N20W to N31W
Water expended 1 1/4 Ton Remaining 79 1/2 Tons
Course N63W 32.29N 32.16_ 127.10E 126.46E Current N51W 22 miles Ayles Ears S10E 86 miles

PM Light air inclining to Calm
___ ___ ___: Gunners lifting Carronade for the Boat 天気穏やかなので重量作業?
Calm and cloudy weather. Mustered at Quarters
at ___ Extremes of the Island ( mentioned above ) from N16W to N30W 9 or 10 leagues
at _ past 7 __ from the NNW
Light Breeze
at Midnight Weather ____ Sounded in 73 fathoms _ bottom

曇天 大砲と小火器演習 10時に大きな島北北西36海里65キロ(済州島か?) 微風 砲手カロネード砲をボートに積載 風が無いので作業に適している?コーター呼集73尋届かず

September 29 Cruising off the Ayes Ears
AM Fine Weather
at _ past 12? Set the __&__
at 2 Down?__ & ___
at 4 Ditto Weather __ the Main TopSail to the Mast
at daylight _ Island _N11East 9 or 10 leagues
Filled the Main Topsail
6 Moderate and cloudy Weather
Mustered Ships Company: ___
at 11.30 made Sail
at Noon Fine Weather . Squally appearance in the East
A small Island seen from the ___ ___ bearing East
___ indifferent?difficult?
Water Expended 1 Tons Remaining 78 1/2
Course N70E _ Miles 32._N 32.30N 127.28E 127.33E Current None ____ 6 or 7 leagues

PM Fine Weather Up Mainsail & __
at? ___ P Margin. The small island seen at__; possible to be the Island of Gotto 五島
Artificians employed as before
5 Mustered at Quarters. Cloudy Weather
at Sunset the Extremes of Gotto from N68E to N81E 5 or 6 leagues. Ayes Ears __ to S23E
at 7 Squally _ Royals. Moor ship
at 9.30 Saw 3 small islands(月齢8.8) SbW a_ courses as P Margin
at 3/4 past 10 Up _ sail
at Midnight Cloudy Weather ___ the Main Topsail
Sounding in 80 fathoms; Sand ___

夜晴れ 朝曇り 総員点呼10時? 水残78.5 午後晴れ五島らしき島影 5時コーター呼集夕方五島から26キロ夜9時半 9時30分小島見える(月齢8.8)80尋砂底

September 30
AM Fresh Winds?
at daybreak The Ayes Ears E_S 9 or 10 leagues: The __ and the Island of Gotto insight from the Mast head
at 8 Moor Ship and filled the Main Topsail.
Cloudy Squally looking Weather
______ with a little rain
At Noon, The Ayes Ears from N85E to E__ 3 or 4 leagues __ ___
Water expended 1 1/4 Ton Remaining 77 1/4 Tons
Course S38E 30 Miles 32.7N 128.7E 127.57E 2 Great Island North by W distant 99 Miles

PM Moderate Breeze and cloudy Weather
at 1.30 Set the __ ___ & Royals
at 2 Ayes Ears North about 3 leagues
at _ past 3 In Topsails & ___
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters
at 6 Tacked Ship. Ayes Ears from N_ to N75W. Set the __

8 Dark cloudy Weather
at 9 Tried for soundings; No bottom with 80 fathom lines
at 11 Up Mainsail
at Midnight Dark cloudy Weather

夜明けAyresEars10リーグ マストから五島望見 小雨 水1.25トン残77?71?昼Ayres4リーグ 2大島 北西99マイル 2時 Ayres 北3リーグ 5時半コーター呼集 9時 80尋146m届かず

October 1
AM __ and fine Weather
at 1.40 __ sail & heave to; Ayes Ear N_E
at 4 No bottom with 66 fathoms of line.
at daylight _ Ayes Ears E_E 7 or 8 leagues

Light Breeze and cloudy Weather __ __
at 8.50 Made Sail
at 9.30 _ __ _ of _ Mainsail
Employed washing the lower deck
At Noon Fresh Breezes and cloudy Weather _______ ____ Island N81.30E distance 6 or 10 leagues Water expended 1Ton Remaining 70 Tons
31.54N 32.11N 127.46E 127.35E ayes Ears N79 38 Miles

PM Moderate Breeze and fine Weather
_____ off the old Best Bower Cable for _unk
Mustered at Quarters

At Midnight Cloudy Weather Tacked Ship

夜明けAyres東8リーグ ロワーデッキ下甲板洗浄(相当に不潔?) 水残70?76?トン 午後晴天 特記事項少なし 錨索補修のみ 野母?らしき記述?

October 2
AM Fresh Breeze and cloudy Weather
at 1.30 In Royals & ___
at 3.45 Set TopGallant Sails
at 4 Sounded in 57 fathoms Muddy bottom
at 5?30 Tacked Heavy Squally appearance from SWtoS
7 _______
9 Mustered Ships Company _______
at 11 Tacked Ship: _______
Sailmakers employed the Mainsail___________
Water expended 1 Ton Remaining 70 1/4? Tons
Course N50W 49 Miles 32.31N 126.48E 126.51E ___ Gotto _ 67 Mil

PM Squally : In Topgallant Sails :_____ Topsails
at 2 Squally with rain; 3rd reef of the Topsails: Sent the Royal Mast down:
5 Mustered at Quarters
at Sunset __ Island NW distant about 2? 20? leagues
7 Up Topsails
at 8 Moor Ship. Cloudy Weather
at 9.15?45? Set the __ & __
at Midnight Cloudy Weather Sounded in 80 fathoms

4時 57尋104m泥底 南方豪雨見える 9時総員点呼(作戦通知?)メンスル修理 水1トン残76.5? 午後雨多し 帆を順次畳む 5時コーター呼集 80尋

October 3
AM Light Breeze and fine clear Weather
at daylight In _ & Spankers: Saw the Sand East
at 8 Moderate Breeze and clear Weather
at 9.30 set the _ & Spanker: Cloudy Weather
at 10 Out 3rd reefs of the Topsails
at Noon Light Breeze and Cloudy Weather
____________ 10 leagues ; Extremes of Gotto _______
Water expended 1 ton Remaining 74 fathoms?
Course ___ 51 Miles 32.31N 32.29N 127.51E 127.55E Bearings at Noon Nagasaki N81E 170 Niles

PM Fresh Breezes and dark gloomy Weather 戦闘前の心理?
at 3 Set the Foresail & Main TopGallant Sail.
at 3.30 The West __ of Gotto __ N about 7 leagues
at 4.30 Squally with rain, in TopGallant Sails
at 5.30 Mustered at Quarters: The islands of Gotto extended from N30W to NbyE. The Ayes Ears _____
at 8 Cloudy Weather: Tacked Ship
at 10.40 In TopGallant Sails: Tried for Soundings no bottom with 50 fathoms. The Island of Gotto seen off deck 3 or 4 leagues 月齢十五夜
at 11.45 Tacked Ship
at Midnight Cloudy Weather with fresh Winds

午前記述操帆のみ 水1トン 五島望見 昼長崎170浬 水1トン残74.5?午後暗い不気味な天気(戦闘前心理?)3時五島西端7リーグ 5時コーター呼集 スコール 夜10時デッキから五島望見(月明)

October 4  AM Light Breeze and cloudy Weather? Island of Gotto to NW to N 3 or 4 leagues
at 4 Tried for Soundings no bottom with 50 fathoms
at daylight saw the land of Nagasaki bearing from ENE to __
Set Topgallant Sails
午前中の風 NE(零時から正午)
at 7 Tacked Ship
at 9.30 Folded the Royal Masts and set the Sails
at 10 Out 2nd reefs & set the Staysails ; __ __
at 11 ___ In Royals
at Noon Extremes of the large? land of Gotto S77W __ 3 or 4 leagues. The Island of __ from N25E to E18?S
Tacked Ship Fresh Breezes and fine Weather Water expended 1 Ton Rem.
Course N75E 62 Miles 32.40N 129.30E 野母岬から25キロ

PM Fresh Breezes and clear Weather 以下、青文字はRecollection of japan
Doeff 2時に2名を送り出す
at 3.15 Saw the Dutch Flag flying on a small island bearing SEbyE. ______________
at 3.50 TopGallant Sails ___ the Topsails. Doeff 庭から投錨を望見 バルコニーではないオランダ旗も
at 5.30 Sent a boat away Doeff これも観察sloop 日本船に近づく
at 6 Anchored _ the Best Bower _ Nagasaki River _ 49 fathoms; The __ bearing N44E
____ Island N70W 3/4 of a mile. Hoisted all the Boats and Mounted the Carronade in the Launch.
at 7 ________ _________ up the River
at 9.30 _______ ______ __ up the River __ 3 Chinese Junks
at Midnight Moderate Breezes and fine Weather

五島北西から北に見る3か4リーグ 4時50尋91m届かず 夜明け長崎を東北東に見る 7時タック展帆 正午五島端南西3か4リーグ 野母岬から25キロ 3時15分小島にオランダ旗を見る5時30分ボートを出す6時投錨(長崎河と表記49尋 全艇吊り上げランチにカロネード砲装備 河を遡行

The ship lowered its sloop,
which was rowed to our boat. The quarter master spoke in
Dutch to our delegates, Dirk Gozeman and Gerrit Scliimmel,
and invited them to step over into his sloop to be rowed to the
ship. Barely had the accountant Gozeman ホーゼマン(later warehouse
master) answered that they would do so as soon as the chief
banyos, who were still a bit behind, had arrived, then an
unintelligible callwas heard. Immediately thereafter, the rowers
of the sloop, revealing swords that they had hidden in the boat,
grabbed the Dutch delegates by force (Scliimmelスヒンメル even lost his
hat), and brought both of them in the sloop to their ship. One
can imagine the consternation of the translators and chief
banyos when they witnessed such a treatment of the Dutch in
Japanese territory by a ship carrying the Dutch flag. I now was
sure that it was an English ship, even though I couldn’t imagine
the reason why an English ship sailing under our flag would
come here to commit hostilities.
I immediately had the chest
that contains the imperial pass brought to me, and had all the
government’s silver packed in order to safeguard them quickly
if necessary
In the meantime, I received news that die governor
of Nagasaki had not kindly received the chief banyos who had
sailed out with the Dutch delegates, and had ordered them to
immediately go out to sea again and to not come back unless
accompanied by the two Dutchmen. The governor asked me
if I thought the ship was Dutch, and if I saw a way to get the
two Dutchmen freed. I had to respond negatively to the first
question, and tell him that I thought the ship was an English
one. Concerning the second question, I replied that I would
notify the commander of the ship in a letter that the two men
were not soldiers but civilemployees,and that I requested their
immediate release. I had no doubt that this would happen. I
then heard confused cries that boats were approaching the
island and that the Dutch had to go immediately to the
government house in Nagasaki.Weobeyed, bringing die abovementioned
items with us. In the city, everything was in a state
of terrible confusion and chaos. The governor was in an
indescribable rage, specifically aimed at the chief banyos,
because they had come back not only ivithout our compatriots,
but also without knowing what kind of ship they were dealing
with. Before I could ask him yet another question, he told me,
full of fury: “Don’t worry, chief, I will get you back your
Dutchmen.” The translators also assured me that the governor
fully intended to keep his word even if, in doing so, he would
have to go against the laws of the land. I observed that everyone
was being outfitted and armed to defend themselves or, if need
be, to capture the ship. To his immense chagrin, the governor
learned that the imperial guard posts between die Papenberg
and Nagasaki,which were supposed to be manned at all times
by a thousand men (who the prince of Hizen had to deliver),
at this moment had only sixty or seventy men. Even the
commanders were not at their posts. This terrified the governor,
because he could predict from this the fate that awaited him.

The Harbor, or River of Nagasaki may be? __ away __ in the Universe?, & attempt to __ it; __ to __ __ _ a task not surely accomplished: __ should stay at this plea?place; the few C__ Remarks I have made; or not intended as a coward as _ of the place, or its Inhabitants had merely for our own satisfaction, should __ have, ___ to __ this past? if the Globe again. _ Latitude by our U____ C____ _ 32.50 _ and Longitude by several good Lunar C____, _ __of the C___ is 130_ E of Greenwich,
_ situated in as healthy a climates, perhaps as England itself but falls short of many fine things such as England __. On our approaching the Harbor, the __ of which _ _ __, but came off __ by their __, with their hands __ to __ __ & __ __ __ on this p?f?__, __ _ think of satisfying their __ & accordingly? helps?kept? them __ __ tell me got into the Harbor:
In __ up this River, __ __ an immense number of __ _ apparently? in a gush __ to row away from us & in one of these boats __ L?S?__, _ a _ immediate_? to __ them on Board & guiding? them to be Dutch ____________ them as prisoners of _; but gave them their liberty, p?f?_ to our q?g?tting ___ __ __ affords one of finest __ of Nature & _ that can be __: _ a _ for a circuit __ __ , which was persuaded to our _, appeared to be left ___ & think? it is __ible, _ a _ of ground? is alotted to any individual? Inhabitant, their small __ to __ sail, which appears to be? good & ?tile. The sea shore _ _ _ this River , as? steep XXXX(横線で消去の痕?)The water

October 5 AM Light Breezes and fine Weather. Set up the TopMast Riggings.
___ the __ Anchor for a small Bower
Employed? as

PM Light Breezes and cloudy Weather
Received from the Japanese 4 Buttocks; 4 Butts of Water, a small quantity of fire woods, a few Goats & a quantity of Vegetables.
Sent? the __ D?__ __ on shore
at Midnight Light Breezes and clear Weather Water Expended 1 Ton Remaining 7? Tons

トップマストリギング 錨作業 牛4頭水4樽薪少量山羊数頭大量の野菜受け取る オランダ人を上陸させる?水1トン

October 6
AM Moderate Breezes and fine clear Weather
Received as __ from the Japanese: 4 Butts of Water, fire wood, a __ quantity of vegetables and goats
Hoisted in all the Boats
at 11.45 Weighed and made all Sails with Fresh Breezes from NE
at 12 Cleared the Harbor, __ __ of wind in TopGallant Sails
Water expended 1Ton __ __ Remaining 75?73? 1/4 Tons

PM Fresh Breezes and fine Weather. employed
at 1.45 In the Main Sail,TopGallant Sails & Spankers
at 2. 30
at 5.30
the Island of Gotto from N35E to N28W, Ayes Ears S45W a small IslandS44E distant 3_ _ leagues
at 9.20 Saw 3 _ Rocks __ __ __ distant __ Miles
at 10 The Rock __
at 11.30 Fresh Breezes
( Winds NE all day Course West )

4樽の水薪大量の野菜山羊受け取る 全艇収容 11時45分出帆北東からの疾風(風速8から10m)で全帆展張 12時港外へ出る 水1トン残75.25トン 5時半五島を北東北西に見る Ayes島 5時半コーター呼集 北東風で終日西進

October 7
AM Fresh Breezes and fine Weather
at 4.30 In Studding Sails
at 5 Set d(above)

at 8. fine Weather
Set the Main Top Mast & fore lower studding Sail
Mustered Ships Company __
__ Steady Breezes and pleasant Weather
Water Expended 1 Ton Remaining 74 1/4 Tons
Course S72W 222 Miles 31.30N 126.1E 126.14E ____ 410 Mies 長崎から360キロ

PM Steady Breezes and fine Weather
5 Mustered at Quarters Variation P longitude 4.10?16W
at 8 Fresh Winds & fine Weather: In Royals
at 10 The wind passed? to the SEward In Studding Sails
At Midnight Fresh breezes and fine Weather

総員点呼 正午の時点で、長崎から380キロの海上に達している 終日好天 5時半コーター呼集
October 8 toward Macao?
AM Fresh Breezes and fine Weather
at daybreak _ with small rain at times
at 6.30 Set Studding Sails at 7 Set the Royals ___ __
at 8 Squally appearance: at 8.30 Squally, In TopGallant & Studding sails & Royals
at 9 In Studding Sails at 10 In TopGallant Sails __ squally appearance in the NW
at 11 __ heavy gusts wind, Lowered the Topsails & __: __ __ lightning and the thunder, with _ heavy rain. __ the Topsails & _ them. Carried away the Main Topsail _ _, Reef Sails & __ Sail all to __ the quarter __ of __ _ away, _ __ _ __ __ for __ of an hour: __ which t?_ the _ for an __
(午前中の風 NW or SE)
CourseS44WvDistance 257 Miles 28.56N 123.9E 123.3E Current None Bearing 252 Miles

__ __ lightning and heavy thunder: Wind shifted suddenly from North to East & blow __ a __: Set? the TopGallant Mast & Yards down on deck & prepared to __ lower Yards and TopMast at _ the wind? shifts in the SE-ward __ _
PM? Fresh Breezes and gloomy Weather with constant rain
at 3.30 Set the Foresail & __ __ __
at 3/4 past 4 The wind shifted __ suddenly by? the West to NbyE _ had taken about _:
Up beams & __ the TopSails and the C_? __ the Mizen Topsail:
at 8 Hazy Weather with drizzling rain

at Midnight Moderate Breezes and cloudy Weather: Sounded in 66 fathoms Sand & Mud
(午後のコースはSWW 風はSE)

朝より風雨強まる 11時強突風 豪雨雷光続く 風向急に北から東に変わる荒天に備え操帆 午後雨続く 風向南東 4時45分風向急に西から北東に変わる 午後のコースは西南西 風は南東

October 9
AM Fresh Breezes and cloudy Weather
at 4 Weather as above Sounded in 45 fathoms
at daylight Weather clearing up from W to NE & Set the __ Hoisted the Topsails
Fresh Gales & cloudy Weather
8 or 9 Mustered ships Company P Divisions
At Noon Fine Steady Breezes & Cloudy Weather
Water Expended 1 1/4 Tons Remaining 72 Tons
Course S40W 157 Miles 27.20N 26.56N 121.18E 121.55E Current N51E 45 Miles drift
Bearings at Noon __ S55W 230 Miles

PM Fresh Breezes and cloudy Weather at 1.30 Altered Course to SWW
at2 Saw 3 Island bearing NNW
at 4 Saw two more Islands bearing WNW
at 6 Dark cloudy Weather Altered Course to SW1/2S
Fresh Gales & cloudy Weather
At Midnight Cloudy Weather Heave too Tried for soundings no bottom with 50 fathoms of line

夜疾風 夜明けに西から北東晴れる 8時疾強風(20m)9時隊毎に点呼 午後3つの島 2つの島を見る

October 10
AM Fresh Gales and fine clear Weather
at 2 __ __ Weather
at 4 __ __ and sounded in 32 fathoms

Saw a __ of Chinese
__ __ __ Pagoda W3_S

Water expended 1 Ton Remaining 71
Course S47W 212 Miles 118.21E 118.57E Current 37 Miles Bearings at Noon ___ Pagoda W3S

PM Altered Course to

Extremes of Coast of China from Mast to SWbS

at 11 Sounded in 30 fathoms

4時 32尋 11時パゴダ? 水1トン残71トン 6時中国海岸マストから見える 夜30尋

October 11
AM Fresh Gales and fine Weather
__ __ Weather with drizzling rain
at 8 Moderate Breezes
at 9.50 Altered the Course to W??S
Steady Gales with drizzling Rain
At Noon Sounded in 25 fathoms __ __ Sands & Muds
Course S44W 169 Miles 22.48N 116.69E Bearings at Noon

PM Fresh Breezes and dark cloudy Weather
constant Rain
at 3.30 Saw a small island W__ & the Land NNW
at 4 Ditto Weather Sounded in 19 fathoms: Mud
Extremes of the Coast of China from N16E to N72W off __ 5 leagues
at 10m past 4 Altered the Course to WbS
at 6 Moderate and cloudy Weather with drizzling Rain
at 8 Weather as above. sounded in 21 fathoms
at 9 Sounded in 13 fathoms Mud, Sand & Shells
at 10 __ the Best Bower Cable & heave too on the __ __
at 11 Strong Gales with heavy Squalls: __ the Topsails
At Midnight Ditto Weather Moor Ship & __ the Main Topsails

朝から疾風続く時に雨 昼25尋 夜風穏やか 海浅くなる 9時13尋 夜半豪雨と疾強風

October 12 Japan towards China
AM Strong Gale and cloudy Weather


October 13
AM Fresh Gale & cloudy Weather
at 9 The Captain went on shore to Macao
Employed __ Yards & making Masts
PM Ditto Weather
Employed __
at Midnight S__ B__ (Signals)

9時艦長マカオに上陸 諸作業終日続く

October 14
AM Fresh Breezes and cloudy Weather

PM Ditto Weather

578 豚?牛?

October 15
AM Moderate Breezes and fine Weather
at 8



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